As we move forward, we recognise that attracting
and retaining high quality staff will continue to
play a vital factor in our future success. We
therefore have a range of innovative strategies in
place to promote a vibrant working environment
and foster career satisfaction and employee
We endeavour to bring out the best in all our
staff through a range of learning and development
initiatives, broad exposure to work experiences,
regular engagement and the promotion of a
healthy work-life balance. Our adherence to this
strategy has resulted in KPJ being recognised as
one of the Best Companies to Work For in 2014
by HR Asia Awards.
Our Talent Management team makes every effort
to identify the individual career needs of each
member of staff. Towards this end, we invest
significantly in recruitment analytics to better
understand our workforce needs.
KPJ embraces a strong sense of team loyalty and
commitment, no matter where our teams are
located. This was profoundly showcased during
the 2014 massive floods, where contributions were
extended to the staff of three hospitals, namely
KPJ Perdana Specialist Hospital in Kelantan,
Kuantan Specialist Hospital in Pahang and
Kuching Specialist Hospital in Sarawak.
The enduring ability of our organisation to provide premier healthcare services rests on our
strongest asset: our people. Our workforce consists of some 11,000 highly qualified
employees who provide dedicated support to our growing body of more than 1,000 medical
consultants. Some 26% of our staff are women managers, a number approaching the
Government’s target of having 30% women in key decision-making positions within the
corporate sector by 2016. Almost 60% of our total manpower is made up by Gen Y.
Another milestone was the setting up of the KPJ
Resource and Information Centre (KPJRIC) –
which was launched in January 2014. It stores a
vast wealth of institutional knowledge including
presentations, proposals, historical information,
trends and track records, and it is an
indispensable resource for staff and members of
the public. Going forward, there are plans to
make the information and resources even more
available via a virtual platform.
In addition, KPJ has its own Santai@12 as
recreational space for all, and a Sports and
Recreational Committee whose main purpose is to
carry out and coordinate fun and sustainable
health activities for the staff.
KPJ Healthcare Berhad annual report