KPJ has a long tradition of innovation and all levels of
staff are encouraged to foster critical and innovative
thinking to further improve our patient service. Long-
standing initiatives such as the Innovative and Creativity
Circle (ICC) and Quality Improvement Activities (QIA) enjoy
widespread support from staff and many innovative
projects have been patented by SIRIM, such as the Bed
Management System for IT and the Visual Gauze
Organiser for nursing services. Other projects are in the
process of being patented.
The annual KPJ Quality Convention is a platform for
hospitals to present their ICC and QIA papers. The
conference invites external and independent judges to
evaluate projects in the presence of KPJ top
management. All winning projects are implemented
throughout the Group.
The emphasis placed on innovation is further reflected by
the fact that, in 2014, our Service Quality Management
(SQM) unit – which is tasked with improving efficiency for
patients – required each of our hospitals to submit at
least 36 innovative ideas to further enhance our service.
More than 1,000 innovations were submitted, embracing
patient safety and security, patient loyalty programmes,
patient communication and education, new patient
services, patient events, community service,
environmental enhancement and internal processes.
Some of these innovations have already been introduced
in our hospitals and vary from small aesthetic
enhancements to broad process re-engineering. To
further support this transformation initiative, SQM
publishes a quarterly newsletter focusing on innovation
and change.
First launched in 2001, the annual KPJ Healthcare
Medical Conference has helped to establish us as a
leader in the healthcare industry. The initiative
emphasises the importance of maintaining high
standards of patient safety across the full spectrum
of healthcare services nationwide – primarily focusing
on good governance, strong leadership and high
standards of clinical ethics. It also provides a platform
to showcase technological innovation and prowess.
KPJ Healthcare Berhad annual report