Overall occupancy at our hospitals averaged 69.2%
which was 5.3% higher than in 2013. Along with
this increase there was a 3.2% growth in number
of surgeries to 91,219 and a marginal 0.4%
increase in the number of babies delivered to
As part of efforts to increase our patient
numbers, KPJ maintains a strong relationship
with relationship with corporate clients and
insurers. Insurance companies and Managed Care
Organisations (MCOs) contributed close to 55% of
total group revenue for the year under review.
In this regard, KPJ collaborated with several
renowned insurance providers to hold health talks
and community programmes, to promote healthy
lifestyles and offer treatment options. Among
these collaborations were with:
• Manulife Insurance: With the launch of their
new insurance plan “Cover-Me-Again” that
focus on heart attacks (Critical Illnesses)
where, KPJ Hospitals’ cardiac services and
cardiologists were promoted during their
health forums held in both Petaling Jaya and
Sibu, Sarawak. Manulife agents, their existing
clientele and invited guests attended these
Vejthani Hospital recorded a reduction
revenue and profit of 3.7%
and 8.8% respectively,
tandem with fewer patients
Overall occupancy at our hospitals averaged
which was 5.3%
higher than in 2013.
KPJ Healthcare Berhad annual report
Business Review
~ Hospital Operations