The Board of Directors of KPJ Healthcare Berhad (“KPJ”)
subscribes to and supports the Malaysian Code on Corporate
Governance 2012 (“MCCG 2012”) as a minimum basis for practices
on corporate governance and continues to ensure that the highest
standards of corporate governance have been upheld in accordance
with the requirements of MCCG 2012. The Board recognises the
importance of corporate governance and conscientiously strives to
attain the highest business ethics and governance in conducting the
day-to-day business and affairs of the Group, so as to safeguard
and enhance shareholders’ value, which includes protecting the
interests of all stakeholders.
The Board believes that good corporate governance adds value to
the business of the Group and will ensure that this practice
continues. The Board of Directors believes in playing an active role
in guiding the Management through its oversight review and
approval of the Group’s business direction and strategy.
In line with this commitment, the Board has taken and is
continuously reviewing, where appropriate, the necessary steps to
comply with the requirements on the standard of corporate
responsibility, integrity and accountability as enshrined in the eight
(8) Principles and 26 Recommendations of the MCCG 2012. The
Board is pleased to elaborate on the Group’s application and extent
of compliance with MCCG 2012 during the financial year 2014 in
this statement:-
1. Established Clear Roles and Responsibilities of the
Board of Directors and Management
Separation of Power between the Board and Management
The Group has documented clear policies for identifying and
separating the functions of the Board and Management,
Chairman as well as the President & Managing Director in
ensuring the smooth running of the Group’s business and
operations. These are enshrined in the Board Policy Manual,
a copy of which is made available to all Directors of the
The roles of the Chairman of the Board, President &
Managing Director and the nine (9) Non-Executive Directors
are kept separate with a clear division of responsibilities in
line with the best practices. The functions of the Chairman
and the President & Managing Director are clearly segregated
to ensure that there is a balance of power and authority.
The Board recognises the importance of
corporate governance and conscientiously
strives to attain the highest business
ethics and governance in conducting the
day-to-day business and affairs of the
Good Governance is the Cornerstone
of Our Corporate Culture
KPJ Healthcare Berhad annual report
Statement on
Corporate Governance
(Pursuant to Section 15.25 of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements)