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Annual Report 2013
customer-centric procedures and processes
throughout KPJ’s hospitals and the delivery of
a high level of professional and compassionate
care. It demonstrates the Group’s commitment
to deliver high-quality customer experiences by
constantly touching patients’ hearts across all
touch-points, from entry to exit.
This initiative has its roots in a cultural
transformation that began at KPJ in 2006
and is built upon the Service Excellence —
KPJ Way Standard People Practice (SPP)
and Service Excellence — Group Alignment
and Re-Engineering (SEGAR) initiatives. The
SE - KPJ Way initiative aims to raise service
levels and standardise the quality of the service
delivery throughout KPJ’s network of hospitals.
It focuses on communication skills, emphasises
empathy and urges caregivers to go beyond the
expectations of customers. Since its inception,
10 hospitals have implemented the SE - KPJWay
with a de nitive positive impact on customer
satisfaction levels measured through customer
service indexing (CSI). Over time, the SE - KPJ
Way initiative will be introduced to the Group’s
other hospitals.
In linewith the Group’s commitment to undertake
continuous service improvements, it established
the Service Quality Management (SQM) Division
inMarch2013. TheSQMDivisionhasbeen tasked
with developing programmes to ensure KPJ can
deliver the highest possible level of care to the
communities the Group serves. The division has
placed a priority on several key areas to achieve
this task including the areas of customer service
training, customer servicemanagement, process
mapping, process improvements and quality
assurance. In 2013, the SQM Division kicked off
an initiative to develop and internalise customer
service training and coaching, which saw
frontline personnel being trained as customer
service coaches.
Quality of Services
KPJ’s ultimate goal is to provide customers
with safe care and excellent services and to
this end the Group is committed to adopting
best-in-class quality systems and processes. To
date, KPJ’s hospitals have received recognition
fromaccreditation bodies such as theMalaysian
Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) and Joint
Commission International (JCI). KPJ’s hospitals
also continue to obtain certi cations such as
the Integrated Management System (IMS)
certi cation (which includes Occupational
Safety and Health as well as Environmental
Management System elements), as well as ISO,
and SIRIMcerti cation.
Todate, 14KPJhospitalshavebeenaccreditedby
MSQHwhile the total of JCI-accredited hospitals
within the KPJ Group is 4. In 2014, 2 hospitals
will undergo their latest MSQH accreditation
surveys, namely KPJ Kota Kinabalu Specialist
Hospital and KPJ Klang Specialist Hospital.
To ensure all KPJ’s hospitals strictly comply with
all regulations and adhere to international best
practices, their clinical conduct is governed by
the Group’s clinical policies and procedures. At
the same time, the Medical Advisory Committee
and other Clinical Committees at both the Group
and hospital levels monitor their processes. The
Group also abides by the policies and practices
outlined in the Private Healthcare Facilities
and Services Act 1998 and complies with MOH
regulations. On top of this, through their exposure
to continuous learning at KPJUC, KPJ’s staff are
able to demonstrate and maintain high quality
standards throughout the Group’s operations.
Human Capital Development
KPJ’sworkforce is undoubtedly its greatest asset
and the reason for the Group’s success. As a
people-centricorganisation, theGroupcontinues
to prioritise human capital development to
strengthen itsworkforce, ensure a ready pipeline
of talent for its rapidly expanding hospital
network, and ensure sustainable business
Statement to
2013’s NCII scorecard results showed that
innovation is a very high priority within KPJ and
as a result of the good alignment between KPJ’s
innovation strategy and its impact, the Group
has been able to increase its market share,
meet customers’ expectations and increase its
revenue. All in all, the key ndings demonstrate
that KPJ’s innovation culture is quite strong and
is supporting its reputation as a global innovator.
Moving forward, the Group will continue to
pursue a strategy of widespread IT adoption
and innovation to safeguard its operations
and patients, improve customer service levels,
and reinforce its reputation as a progressive
healthcare player.
Patient Care and the Customer Experience
KPJ’s philosophy of “Care for Life” rests on the
shared commitment to give its best to patients
and customers at all times. This need to ensure
that the customer experience and patient safety
remain top priorities is all the more important
even as KPJ’s rapidly-developing network of
hospitals expands its range of facilities and
services. KPJ remains committed to achieving
this by facilitating the smooth assimilation of core
procedures and processes and ensuring a high
level of professional and compassionate care
throughout the Group’s hospitals.
The Group’s hospitality and service offerings
re ect who KPJ is. Today, the Group continues
to advocate the development of a strong service-
and high standards across all its hospitals. The
ServiceExcellence -TheKPJWay (SE -KPJWay)
initiative involves the implementation of core