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Annual Report 2013
KPJ’s on-the-go medical consultants continue to
do their part to keep abreast of the latest medical
developments by participating in conferences
and seminars. At the same time, they share
their knowledge and experiences with others
via various speaking platforms in the domestic
and international arenas. KPJ’s nurses are
encouraged to further their studies either by
taking up a Degree in Nursing or the Masters
in Science (Nursing) through collaboration
with foreign universities. They also have the
opportunity to take up post basic courses in
operation theatre, ICU, CICU, renal andmidwifery
to enhance their knowledge and skills.
KPJ is also committed to empowering its
people with the con dence and skills required
to lead and guide others. The Group’s efforts
extend to transforming ordinary individuals
into extraordinary high performers through
transformational leadership. To ensure the
continuity of the Group’s operations and
management standards, capable individuals
with high potential are identi ed formanagement
positions within the Group under the Talent
Management programme which also forms
part of KPJ’s Succession Development Plan.
Following the sponsorship of eligible executives
for a Master in Business Administration
(Healthcare Management) programme, ve
of these executives obtained their MBAs from
the University of East London and Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia in 2013.
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, KPJ is
keen to provide its people opportunities to
better themselves and vie for positions of
higher responsibility based on their ability and
performance. By leveraging on measurable
processes such as the Staff Performance
Appraisal Review (SPAR), KPJ is able to identify
and promote competent employees while
strengthening the skills set of others through
targeted training programmes. All of these,
among other initiatives, are helpingKPJ to attract
and retain a strong pool of talented employees.
KPJ is alsoon target toachieve theGovernment’s
policy of having 30% women on board in key
decision-making positions as per the legislation
for the corporate sector which will come into
effect in 2016.
Corporate Governance
KPJ’s Board of Directors remains committed to
upholding the tenets of integrity, transparency
and accountability and to implementing the
highest standards of corporate governance
and risk management practices throughout the
organisation. The Group also continues to ensure
strict compliance with Bursa Malaysia’s listing
and disclosure requirements under theMalaysian
Code of Corporate Governance 2012 (2nd Edition)
and undertakes other governance measures to
ensure the protection of shareholders’ wealth
and KPJ’s corporate reputation, as well as the
sustainability of its businesses.
Several committees are in place to monitor the
relevant operational processes within the Group’s
hospitals. These include the Audit Committee,
BuildingCommittee,Medical Advisory Committee,
NominationandRemunerationCommittee, Clinical
Governance Committee and Procurement/ Tender
Committee. On top of this, the Group Medical
Advisory Committee (MAC), which has oversight
over the Group’s clinical activities, develops
and monitors clinical governance activities and
guidelines to ensure the best clinical governance
activities are being implemented throughout
the Group. At the individual hospital level, each
HospitalMACunder thechairmanshipofamedical
director, facilitates the implementation and
oversees compliance with clinical governance
through various clinical sub-committees.
Between May and June 2013, the Malaysian
Institute of Integrity conducted a Corporate
Integrity Assessment on KPJ’s hospitals and
companies. This exercise involved some 220
employees from throughout the Group comprising
Top Management, Heads of Services, Managers
and Executives. Under the Corporate Integrity
System Malaysia (CISM) dimensions benchmark,
KPJ scored an average of 50% to 75% for 12
speci c dimensions. KPJ’s highest score at 73.4%
was for the dimension 12 pertaining to Corporate
Social Responsibility.
Statement to
Today, over 10,000 highly-trained individuals
support KPJ’s operations. This number
encompasses more than 1,834 highly trained
clinical staff who have been trained by KPJUC;
150 internally-trained managers with some 30
plus years of experience in managing hospitals;
as well as over 1,000 medical consultants who
specialise in various medical disciplines. Even
as KPJ ensures a seamless coordination and
cooperation among its team of caregivers, it is
ensuring that patient safety and customer care
are given the highest priority.
As part of the Group’s efforts to develop its
employees through transformational leadership,
motivation, and training, it spends as much as
RM5.5 million annually to nance employees’
further education, on-the-job training and other
skill enhancement programmes, as well as
to equip them with the necessary knowledge
and skills for any emergency. The Group also
organises the KPJ Healthcare Conference,
Medical Workshop and Nursing Convention on
an annual basis so that its medical consultants,
nurses and allied health staff have speci c
platforms where they can deliberate and discuss
medical and clinical issues relating to their
KPJ spends as much
RM5.5 million
annually to
, on-the-
and other
skill enhancement