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Annual Report 2013
Bachelor of Medical Imaging, Bachelor of
Nursing and Bachelor of Physiotherapy. At a
higher level, another advanced medical degree
was approved at the School of Medicine i.e. the
Master of Radiology. At other schools, approvals
were obtained for the Masters in Pharmacy,
Nursing, Pharmaceutical Technology, Medical
Imaging and Physiotherapy. A two-year full-
time PhD in Nursing was also approved. This
brings the total number of programmes currently
offered at KPJUC to 28 programmes.
Apart from its academic programmes,
KPJUC continues to bolster its research and
development (R&D) capability as well as forge
strong international alliance with universities
from Australia and the United Kingdom. At
the national-level KPJUC has strengthened
its collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia (UKM) particularly in the way of
developing newMedical Specialist programmes.
Following the groundbreaking Master in
Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
programme, two new programmes, namely the
Masters inSurgeryandMasters inOrthopaedics,
are currently being nalised with UKM and will
be offered in the 2014 academic year. By the end
of 2014, another 13 new programmes will have
been added to KPJUC’s academic offering.
As KPJUC ramps up its academic programme
offering, its student population is expected to
growfrom1,700 to3,000studentsby2015. Tocater
to the expected increase in student numbers, the
Nilai campus underwent its second phase of
expansion works (at a cost of RM50 million) and
brought this to completion by the end of 2013. The
third phase of the expansion programme in Nilai
(from2014onwards),will seeanadditional RM150
million invested in hostel and academic blocks, a
multi-purpose hall and a sports complex. Plans
are also underway for a private teaching hospital
to be built at the Nilai campus which will make
this the rst private hospital in the country built
for academic purposes.
Meanwhile, both the Johor Bahru and Bukit
Mertajam campuses of KPJ International
College of Nursing and Health Sciences (KPJ
College) continue to make good progress. The
Johor Bahru campus is actively developing
new post basic programmes in neonatology,
orthopaedic and renal sciences, while the Bukit
Mertajam campus (which began operations in
with two to four more scheduled to migrate onto
KCIS in 2015.
As part of the Group’s efforts to continuously
improve its integrated information systems
infrastructure, it launched its pioneer Mobile
Clinical Information System in mid-2013. This
is enabling users to access the KCIS in a more
convenient and instantaneous manner. In
addition to this, theGroup has begunmigrating its
clinical informationsystemto theenterprise-wide
KPJ Cloud System by hosting a KPJ data centre
serving all hospitals via the Internet. This secure
private cloud is dedicated to providing core
systems with data security services to ensure
cloud computing is enabled within a shared
and safe environment. The Group’s centralised
IT infrastructure and hardware is helping it
optimise the cost of its technology investment
and ensuring continuous improvements are
made to clinical systems to ensure patient safety
and care.
Innovation Culture
The rst quarter of 2013, saw Agensi Inovasi
Malaysia (AIM) undertaking a survey of the
KPJ Group as part of the National Corporate
Innovation Index (NCII). The NCII aims to
help companies embrace innovation and
to accelerate wealth and value creation by
leveraging on the National Corporate Innovation
Scorecard and NCII Report. The index helps
companies measure where they are in terms of
innovation as well as uncover ways to improve
their innovation performance.
Statement to
January 2013) has a line-up of programmes that
include the Diploma in Operating Department
Practice and the Diploma in Pharmacy, and is
fast expanding its programmes .
AsKPJUCandKPJCollege venture forward, they
the knowledge and skills of their academic
teams, and continue providing invaluable hands-
on training and clinical practices to ensure their
graduates are competent and competitive in the
fast growing globalised market.
Technological Advancements
As a progressive organisation, KPJ continues to
leverage on technological innovations to ensure
more ef cient operations. The widespread and
accelerated use of IT at the Group’s hospitals
is certainly helping strengthen patient safety
even as the possibility of errors is mitigated and
coordination and ef ciency is enhanced.
The KPJ Clinical Information System (KCIS) is
one such example. Introduced some ve years
ago and currently deployed at nine hospitals,
this secure clinical system now incorporates
electronic clinical documentation and an audit
trail functionality to mitigate the risk of incorrect
information. At the same time, it secures highly
con dential patient data as per the user’s role
and responsibility as a caregiver. More and
more doctors and medical staff are tapping the
integrated environment that KCIS offers for their
day-to-day operations. By the end of 2014, KCIS
will be deployed to four to six more hospitals,
Launch of the first Mobile Clinical Information System by YB Dato Kamaruzzaman Abu Kasim,
President of Johor Corporation cum Chairman, KPJ Healthcare Berhad.