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Annual Report 2013
The Group is committed to safeguarding the
environment in which we operate in and this
is re ected in the many green processes and
programmes we are implementing to preserve
our internal and external environment.
From instituting the appropriate quality and
safety framework, to implementing effective
energy ef ciency and 3R (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle) activities, to developing and tapping
practices that enhance productivity as well
as reduce our operational impact on our
surroundings, we are doing our bit to protect
our planet.
Ensuring a Robust Quality and Safety
Throughout KPJ’soperations, theappropriate
control measures have been introduced
to minimise risks in clinical practices and
processes while KPJ’s Medical Advisory
Committee and the various KPJ Clinical
Governance Committees provide oversight
of these.
KPJ’s Health, Safety and the Environment
(HSE) Policy mandates that we ensure total
commitment to our stakeholders on all HSE
matters. Under our HSE focus, several areas
take precedence over others. These include
activities to identify hazards, quantify or
assess the risks in regard to hazards, prioritise
these risks and control the impact of hazards.
All our hospitals ensure that they comply with
the Integrated Management System (IMS) –
a quality standard which encompasses the
OHSAS 18001 (worker health and safety), EMS
14001 (environmental policies and standards),
and the ISO 9001 (corporate governance and
quality) standards. All our hospitals rigorously
adhere to the necessary IMS-related
procedures and policies and their compliance
is veri ed on an annual basis by external
auditors. KPJ’s hospitals also carry out
continuous checks and regular maintenance
including proper calibration of equipment.
Since 2008, the Seven Patient Safety Goal
Framework (based on outlines provided by the
World Health Organisation) has been in place.
We also have an obligation to ensure ongoing
compliance with Department of Environment
(DOE) regulations as well as the Atomic Energy
Licensing Act 1984 (Act 304), Occupational and
Safety Act 1994, Environmental Quality Act
& Regulations 2005 and Akta Perkhidmatan
BOMBA 1988, among others. KPJ also ensures
strict compliance with the Standards of the
Private Healthcare Act which relates to
hospital infrastructure and the building of
related facilities.
Energy Ef ciency and 3R (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle) Initiatives
As an environmental-friendly Group, KPJ is
making a conscious effort to reduce energy
and dispose of waste in a proper manner
throughout our operations. To this end, all KPJ’s
employees are made aware of the importance
of preserving the environment and reducing
waste. Throughout our host of facilities, we
encourage staff to conserve energy and to
maximise resources through the employment
of more ef cient methods. As such, the use of
plastic bags and has been reduced while staff
are encouraged to recycle regularly.
Nurses and hospital clinical support staff
are educated on the procedures and right
way to handle and dispose of waste. Where
appropriate, non-clinical domestic waste,
such as paper and other recyclable items, are
recycled. This helps in cutting down on the
production of waste, especially paper-based
waste. Such efforts bene t the environment as
well as make good business sense.
In line with our strict policies on waste
management and HSE, we have arranged for
the careful disposal of clinical waste, such
as sharps/needles, samples and fluids by
specially contracted and quali ed vendors
who abide by all safety clinical standards.
Corporate Responsibility
by KPJ Ipoh Specialist
Hospital in conjunction with
the launching of Go Green