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Annual Report 2013
Offering programmes aimed at increasing
physical activity is just one element of
building a healthy workplace. Our plans for
the future include providing programmes that
help employees and their families effectively
manage physical, financial and mental health.
KPJ isalsoactive inpromotingvariousemployee
engagement activities and this message
resonates throughout the Group. Several
noticeable activities include safety campaigns
and well-wishing messages during festivities,
birthday messages, wedding announcements
and congratulatorywishes for new-born babies.
Last year, we also participated in the 1 Million
Women Purple Walk 2013 held in conjunction
with International Women’s Day, which aims
to show solidarity with the Government in its
commitment toempoweringwomen inMalaysia
and to celebrating the successes of Malaysian
women in various sectors.
Ensuring a Safe and Productive Working
The Group has always implemented effective
measures to ensure all our facilities provide a
safe and conducive working environment for
our employees and we continue to make this
a priority. Our measures to date include strict
policies on planned preventive maintenance;
close monitoring of the exposure levels for
employees who work within the con nes of
radiation and diagnostic imaging services;
and the safe and proper disposal of sharp and
hazardous materials. In addition to this, on-site
traininganddrills, suchas reanddisaster drills,
are also implemented to educate employees on
how best to respond to emergency situations.
Initiatives such as special parking for pregnant
staff and ergonomic workstations too are giving
our employees the con dence that we are
looking out for them.
To keep abreast of the latest Occupational Safety
and Health (OSH) practices and procedures,
speci cemployees aresent forOSH training. The
Group’s contracted vendors and suppliers too
are required to comply with all health and safety
measures we have put in place, particularly
at our hospitals. We also continue to conduct
ongoing workplace safety inspections and offer
our employees and their familymembers aGroup
Hospitalisation and Insurance Plan as well as
medical coverage at our hospitals.
In the way of productivity improvements,
KPJ observes the 5S process, which is one
of the most fundamental and widely applied
components of Total Quality Management at
the workplace. In 2013, 15 of KPJ’s hospitals
underwent 5S certi cation by the Malaysia
Productivity Corporation (MPC). The annual
5S audit will ensure the Group maintains a
steadfast focus on productivity and keep its
competitive edge.
Policy Implementation and its Effects
Effective policy reflects an organisation’s
culture and direction and guides the actions
of managers, administrators and employees.
At KPJ, we actively develop, review and
administer policies in the area of people
development and employment practices. In
2013, ve new policies were implemented while
one policy was revised in line with the growing
requirements of the Group.
Among the new policies implemented were the
Minimum Wage Policy, Maximum Retirement
Age policy and the Whistle Blowing policy.
The implementation of the Minimum Wage
Act led to a 6% increase or an additional
RM15 million in KPJ staff costs in 2013. Due to
the escalation of costs, all Managers are to
ensure that the productivity levels of employees
increase in tandem with the higher wages.
Team building by KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital at Sibu.
The implementation of the Minimum Retirement
Age Act too is leading us to look at better ways
to manage our senior workforce.
Manpower Planning For the Future
Moving forward, our aim is to gain better
insights into the Group’s current workforce and
engage leaders within the Group to help ensure
our talent pool is aligned with our strategic
goals. By understanding our current workforce,
we are better equipped to prepare for the future
by ensuring we have the right mix of talent with
the right skills to meet KPJ’s goals.
Major initiatives includes the development of
new programmes to support our workforce,
streamlining processes to increase employees’
satisfaction, developing new and enhancing
existing policies to support and guide the
actions of administrators and employees, as
well as continuing to build the capacity of our
technology. As we venture forth, our specific
goals and priorities will include strengthening
our KPIs with a focus on customer service;
prioritising employee development programmes;
enhancing service delivery and business
processes; enhancing policies pertaining
to employment practices and people
development; and making enhancements to
HR-related technology.
Corporate Responsibility