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Annual Report 2013
Building Our Leadership Pipeline
Since 2002, we have been encouraging eligible
employees to pursue graduate quali cations,
namely the MBA and Masters in Nursing. To
date, 78 sponsored employees have graduated
from these programmes, four of them in 2013.
In 2013, six critical leadership programmes
were conducted as part of our Succession
Planning Programme. Programme participants
ranged from Executive-level to Senior
Management-level candidates. The year’s
key leadership programmes included the
JCorp Leadership Programme;
“Leadership in Times of Crisis” by
Dr Andrew White, Oxford University;
Leadership Innovation Strategy (LIS)
organised by GE Crotonville; and
“Transformational Leadership” by Michael
Wagner, Advisory Board Company, USA.
The Executive Development Programme
for Executive-level participants (developed
by Talent Management) was conducted for
the second time with around 16 employees
graduating from the programme. In a smart
partnership with AMG, we co-developed
the AMG-KPJ Leadership Development
Programme which was also conducted for the
second time with some 23 employees.
In support of having on board 30% women
as directors, four of our women directors
participated in the 2013 Women Directors’
programme organised by LPPKN. To date, a
total of 10 women directors from KPJ have
participated in the programme.
The aforementioned leadership programmes
serve as platforms for our Succession
Development Programme (SDP). Following
their participation in leadership training, a
number of our employees have been identi ed
as successors. Under the 4th Succession
Planning Cycle carried out in 2013, the Group
and its hospitals have identi ed 519 employees
who are quali ed to move to the next level,
with 68 ready to move immediately.
Ensuring Competitiveness as an Employer of
Our total compensation package is the key to
the success of our recruitment and retention
activities. As an employer, we provide a strong
mix of direct compensation and benefits within
a supportive environment. To ensure that our
compensation package is competitive, KPJ
participated in two Healthcare Salary Surveys
in 2013 – the AON Hewitt Healthcare Salary
Survey 2013 and the Hay Group Salary Survey
for the Healthcare Industry 2013. These salary
surveys enabled us to ensure that our salary
scales were in alignment with healthcare
industry norms. It also highlighted how KPJ’s
salaries were positioned in comparison to the
Nevertheless, we acknowledge that the
value of a total compensation package (i.e.
cash compensation, benefits and health and
wellness initiatives) is difficult to quantify
and not currently fully communicated in a
meaningful way to staff. Further efforts are
required to determine, measure and explain
the true value of working at KPJ. We are
currently reviewing and standardising salaries
throughout the Group to ensure consistency
and appropriateness. The outcomes of these
reviews will be communicated and assessed
as warranted. It is expected that the first
series review will be completed by end of the
rst quarter of 2014 and the formal results
announced thereafter.
Performance Management Appraisal
In 2013, a series of workshops were conducted
to reinforce the Staff Performance Appraisal
(SPAR) exercise for all Heads of Services
(HOS) throughout the Group and to get them
to set the KPIs for the annual SPAR. Currently,
the targets are not set in accordance with
the Company’s KPIs (except for standardised
KPI e.g. Accountants, Pharmacists, etc.).
This exercise will also serve as a platform
to evaluate and obtain feedback on the use
of e-SPAR from the HOS while teaching new
HOS how to set KPIs for their subordinates.
Following the SPAR exercise, 79 employees
were awarded for outstanding performance
in 2013 while a total of 111 employees will be
promoted in 2014.
Promoting Work-Life Balance – The KPJ Way
KPJ is committed to promoting a healthy work-
life balance through policy, wellness initiatives
and wellness promotion so that our employees
achieve success with their life goals. For
2013, over 5,407 employees participated in
our Body Mass Index (BMI) programme. This
programme is a continuation from previous
years where employees voluntarily participate
in various healthy living lifestyle activities.
Overall there has been a decrease of 5% for
employees in weight categories Pre-obese,
Obese I, Obese II and Obese III categories,
with an increase of 2.5% in the Normal weight
and Underweight category. As an indirect
outcome of this, that total medical expenses
for 2013 decreased by 2% as compared to the
preceding year.
for outstanding
in 2013
while a total of
111 employees
will be promoted
in 2014.
conducted as part of
our Succession
Corporate Responsibility