Bursa Announcements

Kpj Healthcare Berhad "kpj" Or "the Company" - Distribution of Investment in Units of Al-'aqar kpj Reit Held by kpj To The Shareholders of Kpj By Way Of A Dividend In Specie

BackDec 13, 2007
General Announcement
Reference No JC-071212-63199

Company Name
Stock Name
Date Announced

Type : Announcement
Subject : KPJ Healthcare Berhad "KPJ" or "the Company" - Distribution of Investment in units of
Al-`Aqar KPJ REIT held by KPJ to the shareholders of KPJ by way of a Dividend in Specie

Contents :

Further to the Company's announcement dated 5 November 2007 and 16 November 2007 on the Proposed Distribution of the investment in units of Al-`Aqar KPJ REIT ("ALAQAR") held by KPJ to the shareholders of KPJ on the basis of seven (7) units in ALAQAR for every hundred (100) ordinary shares of RM1.00 each held by KPJ by way of a dividend in specie (Proposed Distribution) via Bulk Transfer Method, fractions of the units are to be disregarded, the Board of Directors of KPJ is pleased to announce that the Proposed Distribution had on 12 December 2007 been credited into the respective CDS Accounts of the entitled shareholders.

A total of 14,533,506 ALAQAR units were distributed to the entitled unitholders in relation to the Proposed Distribution.

This announcement is dated 13 December 2007.

c.c. The Securities Issue Department
Securities Commission
Fax No : 03-62015213