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Annual Report 2013
To promote continuous learning and the upgrading of skills, the Group
sponsors eligible executives to further their studies and obtain a
Master in Business Administration (Healthcare Management) degree.
In 2013, ve executives graduated and obtained their MBAs from
the University of East London and University Technology Malaysia
respectively. Nurses are also encouraged to further their studies either
for the Degree in Nursing or Masters in Science (Nursing) through
collaboration with foreign universities or to take up post basic courses
in operation theatre, ICU, CICU, renal and midwifery to enhance their
knowledge and skills.
The Group also organises the KPJ Healthcare Conference and
Exhibition, Medical Workshop and Nursing Convention yearly for
medical consultants, nurses and allied health staff to deliberate
and discuss medical and clinical issues related to their practices to
promote patient safety and standardisation of practices.
The Managing Director is assisted by three Vice Presidents (1) for the
following functions:
Business Operations and Clinical Services;
Corporate and Financial Services; and
Project Management and Biomedical Services.
All the hospitals within the Group have been clustered into ve
zones, whereby one hospital in each cluster will act as the holding
company of the other hospitals within the cluster. Each zone has an
Executive Director who is responsible for managing and supervising
the operations of the hospitals in his zone.
Each hospital’s Executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer or
General Manager is assisted by a Medical Director, who oversees and
manages all clinical matters in the hospital. At the Corporate level,
the Group is assisted by the Medical Advisory Committee and Clinical
Governance Committee on matters pertaining to clinical matters.
The Board assigns authority and responsibility mainly to the
Executive Committee (ExCO) to manage the Group’s operations as
well as strategic issues pertaining to the delivery of services and the
future direction of the Group. Major purchases are discussed and
deliberated on by the ExCO before they are tabled at the respective
hospital’s Board meetings. The objective is to ensure Group synergy,
standardisation and cost effectiveness.
Various committees were formed to identify, evaluate, monitor and
manage the signi cant risks affecting the achievement of business
objectives. These committees are:
1. Medical Advisory Committee
Responsible for monitoring the ethical and good medical practices
of medical consultants.
2. Clinical Governance Committee
a. Responsible for the establishment of framework for all the
clinicians in the Group to:
Continuously improve service quality;
ii. Ensure a high standard of care; and
iii. Create an environment that promotes excellence in
clinical care.
b. There are various sub-committees under the Clinical
Governance Committee, namely the Clinical Governance
Policy Committee, Clinical Governance Action Committee
and Clinical Risk Management Committee.
3. Tender Evaluation Committee
Responsible for evaluating all tenders for purchases, acquisitions
or disposals of assets, award of contracts and appointment
of consultants/advisors for the Group. This committee, which
was formed in February 2014, is to make the appropriate
recommendations to the Tender Board Committee.
Company-Wide Objectives
The Board has established an organisational structure with clearly
de ned lines of accountability and responsibility to support a cohesive
control environment. The Audit Committee’s responsibilities have been
expanded to include an assessment of the effectiveness of the internal
control system and risk management framework.
As a healthcare provider, the Board has entrusted the Clinical Risk
Management Committee to review and oversee the effectiveness
of the clinical risk management framework for patient safety. An
Enterprise-wide Risk Management system has been implemented
across the Group through Risk Coordinators who have been appointed
at each hospital to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of risk
management activities. All hospitals and companies are required to
identify and mitigate relevant risks that may affect the achievement
of the Group’s objectives and to report this to their respective Boards.
The Group focuses its Risk Management activities on identifying and
assessing business risks, incident reporting and root cause analysis,
implementing the Seven Patient Safety Goals of the World Health
Organisation, as well as monitoring activities that depart from best
practices. This is to ensure that every incident is investigated, root
causes identi ed to prevent future recurrences and patient safety
given top priority.
Statement on
Internal Control and Risk Management
(Pursuant to Section 15.27(b) of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements