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Annual Report 2013
Corporate Disclosure Policy
The Company has in place procedures for compliance with the
Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and ensures that all material
information must be announced immediately to Bursa Securities.
Leverage on Information Technology
A website: is maintained to create
greater awareness of the Group activities, performance and other
relevant information among the stakeholders and general public.
The Group has a speci c website for investor relations where all
information with reference to quarterly result announcements, Annual
Reports, changes to shareholding and press releases are published
concurrently with Bursa Malaysia website. This website also sends
out alerts to all investors for any announcement made in relation to the
Shareholder Participation at Annual General Meeting
At each Annual General Meeting, the Chairman presents the progress
and performance of the business and encourages shareholders to
participate in the question-and-answer session. The President &
Managing Director, the Chairman of the Audit Committee and other
Board Members are available to respond to shareholders’ questions
during the meeting. Where appropriate, the Chairman will undertake
to provide a written answer to any signi cant question that cannot be
readily answered at the meeting. Other than the Board Chairman and
President & Managing Director, the shareholders or any stakeholders
may convey any concerns that they may have to Zainah Mustafa,
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit
Each item of special business included in the notice of the meeting
will be accompanied by detailed explanations. Separate resolutions
are proposed for substantially different issues at the meeting and the
Chairman declares the number of proxy votes received both for and
against each resolution. The Company provides shareholders with a
summary of the discussions at the Annual General Meeting.
Encourage Poll Voting
The Board encourages poll voting for the speci c resolutions which
requires a poll vote for example reappointment of Directors whom are
above the age of 70 years old and also the Related Party Transactions.
The Chairman of the AGM will inform the shareholders prior to the
speci c resolution.
The recurrent related party transactions for the nancial year ended
31 December 2013 are set out in the notes to the nancial statements
on pages 243 to 246 of the Annual Report.
At the 20thAnnual GeneralMeetingheldon 11 June 2013, theCompany
obtained the shareholders’ mandate to allow the Group to enter into
recurrent related party transactions as set out in the Notes of the
Compliance Information on page 263. As set out in the Bursa Malaysia
ListingRequirements andCompany’sArticles of Association, aDirector
who has an interest in a transaction shall abstain fromdeliberation and
voting on the relevant resolution in respect of such transaction at the
Board and general meeting convened to consider the matter.
Effective Communication and Proactive Engagements with
The Group understands that one of its major responsibilities is to
provide suf cient and timely information as and when necessary to its
shareholdersand investorsas this re ectsgoodcorporategovernance
practice. It is imperative to maintain transparency and to build trust
and understanding in the relationship through active dialogue and
communication with shareholders and investors.
As part of Group’s commitment to a high level communication and
transparency with the investment community, experienced and senior
level management personnel are directly involved in the Group’s
investor relations function.
TheChairman, President&ManagingDirectorandseniormanagement
personnel holddiscussionswithanalystsandshareholders fromtime to
time on theGroup’s results submitted toBursaMalaysia. Presentations
are made, where appropriate, to explain the Group’s strategies,
performance and major developments. However, any information that
may be regarded as undisclosed material information about the Group
will be safeguarded.
In addition, the Group has established a website at, which shareholders can access. The Group’s
quarterly and annual results announcements and press releases are
also posted in the Investor Relations page on the Group’s website
immediately after announcements are made on the Bursa Malaysia’s
website. This website also sends out alerts to all investors for any
announcement made in relation to the Company.
Other than the website, the Group continues to produce and enhance
its Annual Report, Corporate Brochures and Fact Sheets to provide
suf cient details to the shareholders and stakeholders. Other than
that, theGroup alsomakes regular announcements onBursaMalaysia
to provide stakeholders with important information which affects their
decision making, thus enhancing the level of transparency.
Statement on
Corporate Governance
(Pursuant to Section 15.26 of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements)