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Annual Report 2013
Building Committee (BC)
In line with the extensive development of new and existing hospital
buildings, the Board had on 31 May 2010 resolved to establish the BC.
The main purpose of the Committee is to oversee the timeline and
costing of each project undertaken by the Group and to address any
issues relating to these projects.
TheCommittee ischairedbyDatinPadukaSiti Sa’diahSheikhBakir and
comprises 3 other members, Amiruddin Abdul Satar, Dr. Yoong Fook
Ngian and Aminudin Dawam. The Committee meets on a scheduled
basis at least 4 times a year and all reports and minutes of the meeting
will be escalated to the Board.
Medical Advisory Committee (MAC)
The Committee’s role is to ensure that the best clinical governance
activities and guidelines are being practiced by the Group. The
Committee meets on a scheduled basis at least 4 times a year and is
chaired by the Chairman of MAC, Dr. Yoong Fook Ngian.
The functions and activities carried out by the Committee are set out
under theMedical Advisory Committee Report on pages 91 to 94 of this
Annual Report.
Tender Board Committee (TBC)
In effort to achieve high standards of corporate governance, the
Board had on February 2014 resolved to establish the TBC. The main
purpose of the Committee is to evaluate the purchases, acquisitions
or disposals of assets, awards of contracts and appointments of
consultants/advisors for the Group.
Members of the Committee are:
a) Zulkifli Ibrahim (Chairman) – Non-Independent Non-Executive
b) AmiruddinAbdul Satar–Non-IndependentPresident&Managing
c) Datuk Azzat Kamaludin – Independent Non-Executive Director
d) Aminudin Dawam – Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
e) Dr. Yoong Fook Ngian - Independent Non-Executive Director
Management Committees
Executive Committee (EXCO)
The terms of reference and objectives of the ExCO are as follows:
1. Purpose
The main objective and purpose of the ExCO are:
manage the Group in all aspects of business;
implement strategicbusinessplansandpoliciesasapproved
by the Board of Directors; and
identify, formulate and prioritise strategic issues as well as
chart strategic directions for action by Management and
2. Members
President &ManagingDirector
VicePresident (I) –Corporate&Financial Services
Vice President (I) – Business Operations, Education & Clinical
VicePresident (I)–ProjectManagement&BiomedicalServices
VicePresident (II) –BusinessDevelopment
Senior GeneralManager –GroupTalentManagement
Senior General Manager – Group Strategic Transformation &
Project Implementation
Senior GeneralManager –GroupOperations
Senior GeneralManager –Group Finance
Senior General Manager – Group Marketing & Corporate
Senior GeneralManager –GroupClinical &Quality
Chief InformationOfficer – InformationTechnologyServices
3. Meeting
Meetings are held on every Tuesday on a weekly basis or/as and
when it deems necessary.
Tender EvaluationCommittee (TEC)
In effort to achieve high standards of corporate governance, the
Board had on February 2014 resolved to establish the Tender
Evaluation Committee. The main purpose of the Committee is to
evaluateandmake recommendation to theTenderBoardCommittee
on the purchases, acquisitions or disposals of assets, awards of
contracts andappointments of consultants/advisors for theGroup.
Themembers of theTECare:
a) Mohd Sahir Rahmat (Chairman) – Vice President (I), Corporate
&Financial Services
b) Jasimah Hassan – Vice President (I), Business Operations,
Education&Clinical Services
c) Abd Malek Talib – Vice President (I), Project Management &
Biomedical Services
d) Ahmad Nasirruddin Harun – Senior General Manager – Group
StrategicTransformation&Project Implementation
e) Mohd Johar Ismail – Senior General Manager, Group
Internal Audit Function
The Board acknowledges its primary responsibility for the Group’s
system of internal controls covering not only nancial controls
but also operational, compliance controls and risk management,
and for reviewing the adequacy and integrity of those systems.
The effectiveness of the system of internal controls of the Group is
reviewedby theAudit Committeeduring its quarterlymeetings.
Detailsof therecognitionandriskmanagementandtheInternalAudit
Functions are set out in the Statement of Internal Control and Audit
CommitteeReport of thisAnnual Report, respectively.
Statement on
Corporate Governance
(Pursuant to Section 15.26 of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements)