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Annual Report 2013
Excellence Award for Healthcare from the
MSWG. For its commitment to demonstrating
excellence in healthcare, KPJ received the
Malaysia Excellence Awards - Healthcare
Service Provider from Frost & Sullivan.
For its innovative use of technology throughout
its operations, KPJ was accorded the Human
Resources Excellence Awards - Excellence
in HR Technology by Human Resources
Magazine, while the Group’s information
technology (IT) subsidiary received the Small
Medium Enterprise 100 Award 2013 Malaysia’s
Fast Moving Companies from SME Magazine.
In recognition of its branding and marketing
prowess, KPJ was a recipient of The
BrandLaureate Awards - Corporate Branding
for Best Brands in Healthcare from The Asia
Paci c Brands Foundation, and was also
recognised for its Marketing Excellence in
Corporate Social Responsibility by Advertising
&Marketing Magazine.
Themanyawardsandaccolades insuchdiverse
areas are apt re ection of the fact that KPJ is
making solid inroads as it looks to develop its
capabilities from a holistic perspective. While
these awards have certainly helped reinforce
KPJ’s standing as Malaysia’s foremost private
healthcare provider, rest assured that the Group
will not rest on our laurels but will continue to
set higher benchmarks for itself going forward.
The Group has certainly come a long way
these last 33 years and continues to grow from
success to success. Over the course of 2013, the
Group continued to embark on several initiatives
to fortify its leading position in the marketplace
and ensure a sustainable pathway for KPJ in a
highly competitive healthcare sector.
for new areas of opportunity, undertook
expansion and opened newhospitals, optimised
its resources and empowered its people. The
Group also tapped new skills, processes and
technologies as well as complied rigorously
with regulatory and industry standards. While
these efforts did much to extend its footprint
and capabilities, more importantly, they enabled
the Group to render high quality services to all
Statement to
KPJ remains committed
carrying out timely
corporate disclosure
to strengthen
investor con dence.
The Group continued
to embark on several
initiatives to
fortify its
leading position
in the
Stakeholder Engagement Activities
KPJ remains committed to carrying out timely
and transparent corporate disclosure activities
to strengthen investor con dence and bolster
ties with the investing community. In 2013, the
Group undertook several measures to reinforce
KPJ’s standing among investors and facilitate
coverage by more research houses.
Throughout the year, KPJ’s management
and investor relations team met with various
analysts and fund managers to provide updates
on the current and future developments
undertaken by KPJ. The Group held meetings
with more than 79 analysts and investors as
well as participated in 10 conference calls and
12 conferences held by investment banks and
analysts. The Group was able to leverage on
these platforms to communicate openly with
audiences as well as establish ties with new
fund managers and other parties interested in
the Group.
The year also saw the Group continuing to
communicate its plans and hold bene cial
discussions with shareholders during the
Annual General Meeting, as well as hold
dialogues with shareholders and other parties
such as the Minority Shareholders Watchdog
Group (MWSG). In linewithKPJ’scommitment to
ensuring the timely and equitable dissemination
of information to all stakeholders, it continued to
post public announcements on KPJ’s and Bursa
Malaysia’s websites in accordance with good
disclosure practices.
Awards and Accolades
The year in review saw KPJ continuing to
garner a host of awards and accolades
which underscored its pursuit of operational
excellence and high standards of healthcare
as well as its commitment to forging good
stakeholder relationships and elevating
We are pleased to report that for its strong
business management skills, KPJ picked up
the Best Managed Company Awards – Best
Small Cap Company from
and the
Global Excellence in Management Awards -
Excellence in Healthcare Management from
the Malaysian Institute of Management. For
upholding good governance practices, KPJ
received the Corporate Governance Industry
KPJ will take on
over 4 years
adding another
to the Group’s total
number of operating beds.