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Annual Report 2013
Statement to
• On 22 May 2013, the Directors declared a
rst interim single tier dividend of 2.0 cents
per share on 653,020,611 ordinary shares
amounting to RM13,060,412. The dividend was
fully paid on 19 July 2013.
• On 30 August 2013, the Directors declared a
second interim single tier dividend of 2.0 cents
per share on 654,207,861 ordinary shares
amounting to RM13,084,157. The dividend was
fully paid on 18 October 2013.
On 28 November 2013, the Directors declared
a third interim single tier dividend of 2.0 cents
per share on 654,559,892 ordinary shares
amounting to RM13,091,198. The dividend was
fully paid on 10 January 2014.
• The Directors did not declare a fourth and
final dividend for the financial year ended 31
December 2013.
All in all, in respect of nancial year 2013, KPJ
will have paid out a total dividend of 6.0 sen per
share amounting to RM39.2 million in dividends
(in comparison to a total dividend payment of
11.5 sen per share amounting to RM73.7 million
in 2012).
Proposed Combination of New Issue of
On 28 November 2013, the shareholders of the
Company approved the combination of new
issues of securities at the Extraordinary General
Meeting as follows:
(i) Bonus Issue of up to 329,766,497 newordinary
shares of RM0.50 each in the Company on
the basis of one bonus share for every two
existing shares held.
27 December 2013 saw 327,279,946 Bonus
Shares and 2,451,551 additional warrants
2010/2015 consequential to the Bonus Issue
being listed and quoted on the Main Market
of BursaMalaysia Securities Berhad.
(ii) RenounceableRights Issue of up to 43,968,866
new shares on the basis of one rights share
for every 15 existing shares held, together
with up to 87,937,732 free detachable New
Warrants 2013/2018 on the basis of two
new warrants for every one rights share
29 January 2014 saw 43,637,326 Rights
Shares and 87,274,652 New Warrants as
well as 96,098 additional warrants 2010/2015
consequential to the Rights Issue being listed
and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa
Malaysia Securities Berhad. The issue price
of RM2.80 for the Right Shares were arrived
based on a discount of approximately 30%
over the theoretical ex-all price of the shares
(after taking into account the Proposed
Bonus Issue) based on the ve-day volume
weighted average market price (VWAP) of
the shares immediately preceding the price
xing date.
(iii) Increase in the authorised share capital
of the Company from RM500,000,000 to
RM750,000,000 by way of issuance of
500,000,000 ordinary shares of RM0.50 each.
The new shares issued arising from the Bonus
Issue, Rights Issue and Free Warrants exercised
shall upon issue and allotment, rank pari passu
in all respects.
Share Price Performance, Market
Capitalisation and Gearing
In 2013, trading of KPJ’s shares remained active
with its share price reaching an all-time high
in July. The year saw KPJ’s shares opening at
RM5.74 on 2 January 2013 and continuing to
gain a signi cant upward momentum over the
subsequent months to hit a high of RM7.36 on 25
July 2013. However, by the close of the market
on 31 December 2013, KPJ’s share price had
fallen to RM3.88 due to price adjustment after
completion of corporate exercises.
Nevertheless, by 31 December 2013, the Group’s
market capitalisation had increased by 4% to
RM3.8 billion as compared to RM3.6 billion in
The Group’s gearing ratio increased slightly
to 0.9 times in 2013 as compared to 0.6 times
in 2012 due to our new projects as well as
expansion and acquisition exercises. We are of
the view that our gearing ratio is at a level which
is still attractive to investors.
RM (Billion)
Group’s market
RM (Billion)