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Annual Report 2013
EduKATE - KPJ Healthcare University College
The KPJ Education and Knowledge
Management Services or EduKATE
continues to play a pivotal role in the
cultivation of life long learning and
knowledge sharing culture among
the KPJ community. With the synergy
within the Group, a culture of learning
and knowledge sharing is rmly
inculcated among the employees.
Today, a wealth of intellectual property
is being archived, ready to be used
as a reference in training of future
generations of managers and leaders.
At the same time, data mining and
processing is providing value added
knowledge for strategic planning and
effective decision making.
the quality of
our Healthcare
services offering
Since its inception in 2011, KPJ EduKATE
has been focusing its efforts on creating a
resource centrewhere themore than 30 years
of the Group’s knowledge and experience
can be systematically and formally deposited
and safeguarded for future reference. To this
end, the KPJ Resource Centre was set up at
KPJ Corporate Headquarters and of cially
launched by the Managing Director/President
on 23 January 2014. The KPJ community now
has physical access to the KPJ Resource
Centre or can access its resources via the
KPJ EduKATE portal.
In collaboration with Talent Management
Services, KPJ EduKATE continues to look
into the appropriateness, applicability,
ef ciency and effectiveness of training, in
tandem with the Group’s mission of being a
learning organisation embracing continuous
education, training and skills enhancement.