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Annual Report 2013
Prime Minister witnessed
the exchange of token of
appreciation between KPJ
and Yayasan Seputeh on
future collaboration in CSR
KWAN - KPJ’s Flagship CR Initiative
Our agship CR initiative to help communities,
underprivileged in urban communities, is
via our involvement in the chain of charity
outpatient clinics and dialysis centres under
the Klinik Waqaf An-Nur (KWAN) initiative.
Under KWAN, patients are charged a minimal
blanket fee of only RM5 each time for normal
outpatient treatment or around RM90 for
dialysis services. All treatment is rendered
by quali ed medical doctors and includes the
cost of the medicines prescribed.
TheKWAN initiativebeganwithonesmall clinic
in Johor Bahru in 1998 through a collaboration
between KPJ and parent company, JCorp.
Following the success of the initiative and the
overwhelming response from the community,
the KWAN network has grown and to date
encompasses the Waqaf An-Nur Hospital and
19 clinics (including 5 site clinics and 6 dialysis
centres throughout Malaysia). In addition, KPJ
also operates two mobile clinics today. The
rst has been operating in the state of Johor
since 2012 while the second in Selangor, has
been in operation since 2013.
KPJ received the mobile clinic in Selangor
from Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) in June
2013. Housed in a refurbished van, the mobile
clinic is making it easier for KWAN to serve
the communities around Selangor in line
with KPJ’s aim to be close to its patients.
The mobile clinic comes under the ambit of
both KPJ Kajang Specialist Hospital and KPJ
Selangor Specialist Hospital. A third mobile
clinic, the result of collaboration between
Waqaf Selangor Muamalat (WSM) and KPJ,
will be in operation soon in Selangor. This
mobile clinic will operate in areas not already
under the purview of the existing mobile clinic
in the Selangor.
Since KWAN’s inception until the end of 2013,
the Group has had the opportunity to be of
service to a total of some 961,148 patients,
of which some 69,690 cases have been non-
Muslim patients. The Group continues to
provide clinical resources and medication to
KWAN patients as well as contribute more
than RM2 million annually in support of KWAN
activities. Our goal is to continue extending
a helping hand to needy patients throughout
Malaysia by expanding KWAN’s reach.
We have always believed that good CR
practices should bring us closer to the
communities we operate in and make
healthcare affordable for everyone. As such,
our community CR initiatives focus primarily
on the provision of healthcare services, as this
is what is closest to our hearts.
Our “Care for Life” philosophy is underscored
by our focus on community care and the
wellbeing of individuals. We are committed
to elevating communities and continue to
demonstrate the spirit of caring and serving
via several initiatives. These include delivering
basic health screening at a minimal cost or
for free; organising public health talks and
campaigns that advocate healthy lifestyles
and good hygiene; assistance in cash or kind
to orphanages, homes for the aged and the
underprivileged; as well as making zakat
contributions and donations.
Corporate Responsibility