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Annual Report 2013
Service Quality Management
Management of Quality
Fundamental to the SQM Division is the
overall monitoring and management of
quality. In order to achieve this, the SQM
Division began comprehensive centralised
customer service indexing or CSI reporting
in order to benchmark the broad range of
services offered throughout the Group.
Through analysis of complaint levels and
quantitative and qualitative feedback
received, the Division was able to pinpoint
areas of opportunity for service enhancement
throughout KPJ.
The SQM Division also identi ed the overall
service environment as a key area for
monitoring. To facilitate active monitoring
in this area, the Division developed the
Aesthetic and Amenity Review (AAR) and
the Service Presence Report (SPR). The AAR
and SPR serves as reviews of all the various
service areas of the hospitals in terms of
their state of repair, overall appearance,
and expected services that should be
provided to the customers. These critical
areas of monitoring allow the hospitals to
better determine items that may require
improvement or enhancement to provide a
better service experience to customers.
2014 and Beyond
The SQM Division has embarked on a long-
term journey to enhance and transform the
services provided by KPJ. In 2014, the SQM
Division will launch an enhanced uni ed CSI
for the KPJ group modelled on the Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) utilised in
the United States and the CSI systems utilised
in the Australian Healthcare System. Further
quality assurance measurements, such a
mystery shopping and various qualitative
customer studies, will allow KPJ to further
monitor the effectiveness of the services
provided and offer an opportunity for
continued improvement.
The SQMDivision will also strive to implement
a Customer Competency Management
System (CCMS) in 2014. Such a system will
allow the Division to better improve the
customer service acumen of caregivers
throughout KPJ and prioritise training based
on their knowledge and skills levels. It will
also help support the monitoring of training
conducted through comparative analysis of
pre and post-training participant scores. In
the years to come, training and competency
management can grow to include skills-based
learning and job knowledge assessment.
Employee recognition programmes are also a
high priority under the SQM initiative for 2014.
By identifying and rewarding staff who set
a high standard of customer care, the ‘care’
culture that KPJ is aiming for will be further
embedded within our organisation.
The SQM Division remains committed to the
long-standing KPJ Healthcare mission of
“Delivering Quality Healthcare Services”.
Mindful of KPJ’s rich history, the Group’s
presence of mind for its customers, and with
an eye on a future committed towards service
quality management, the SQM Division will
ensure KPJ continues to achieve new heights
of service excellence in a consistent manner.
SEGAR Workshop on Diagnostic Imaging Services.