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Annual Report 2013
Medical Tourism
Themedical tourismsector is expected to grow
on the back of the in ux of patients expected
from Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and
the Middle East. The Government’s initiatives
to boost the healthcare travel industry too
bode well for the medical tourism sector.
Moreover, with organisations like the
Malaysia Healthcare Tourism Council (MHTC)
continuing their collaboration with the
Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia,
the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia as well as a
host of healthcare facilitators and government
agencies, medical tourism activities in
Malaysia are set to take off.
Promotional Activities
Revenue from the Medical Tourism segment
currently accounts for 4% of KPJ’s revenue
and the plan is to grow this to 25% of the
Group’s revenue by 2020. To make the most
of the abundant opportunities presented
by the medical tourism market, the Group
continues to undertake a host of marketing
and promotional activities in existing and new
target markets throughout Asia, the Middle
East and Australia. In 2013, we also took the
opportunity to venture into the East African
countries, in particular Somalia.
Through KPJ’s participation in local and
international exhibitions, trade expositions,
road shows and health talks organised by the
MHTC, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry
of Tourism, the Malaysia External Trade
Development Corporation (MATRADE) and
others, we are building up awareness about
Malaysia as an excellent and cost-effective
destination for medical care as well as
reinforcing the KPJ brand’s standing among
target audiences.
2013 saw us making strong advances forward
and extending our footprint across many
ASEAN nations as well as the People’s
Republic of China, the Middle East and East
Indonesia continues to be an important market
for the Group as it is contributing almost a
third of our international patients and is set
to grow further. Over the course of 2013,
we took part in several strategic initiatives
that had a positive effect on medical tourist
numbers from Indonesia. These included our
participation in the 2nd Indonesia Wellness
and Medical Tourism Fair in Jakarta, the 5th
Annual Women’s Health Expo & Bazaar 2013,
the Astindo Fair 2013, the 5th Indonesia MICE
& Corporate Travel Mart, the Majapahit Travel
Fair 2013 and Pekan Kebudayaan Acheh,
among other events.
We also participated in the MotoGP Expo 2013
as well as undertook sales visits to Dumai to
create awareness about KPJ and promote KPJ
University College’s nursing courses. There
are plans to participate in the Dumai Expo
2014, one of the biggest local attractions along
Sumatera’s East coast. KPJ also participated
in several roadshows under the banner of
the International Health Tourism Expo as well
as took part in the Asita Travel Fair 2013 and
the Malaysia Healthcare Exhibition. We also
participated in the MHx Solo together with the
Throughout 2013, KPJ teams visited our ve
representatives of ces in Indonesia namely
in Surabaya, Padang, Pekan Baru, Medan
and Acheh to strengthen business ties and
promote our hospitals and services. We also
undertook corporate sales visits to major
banks, among other organisations, which
certainly helped bring KPJ to the attention of a
larger Indonesian audience. On the Malaysian
front, we brought over a delegation of 40
Indonesian doctors to visit our hospitals and
hosted two media familiarisation visits. All in
all, these activities did much to bring KPJ to
the attention of neighbouring Indonesia.