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Initiatives such as KPJ’s whistle-blowing
policy too are helping ensure marketplace
ethics remain strongly embedded within our
organisation. Our signing of the Malaysian
Corporate Integrity Pledge for Public Listed
Companies (PLCs) and our requirement that
all suppliers and business partners comply
with the Corporate Integrity Agreement,
further attest to our commitment to promoting
transparency and stemming corruption in all
our dealings.
Our employees are undoubtedly the backbone
of KPJ. We are dedicated to strengthening
and nurturing their talents and capabilities to
ensure they perform at optimum levels and
with an excellence that will give us an edge
over our competitors.
Our Approach to Talent Management
To date KPJ has over 900 highly experienced,
professional medical consultants as well as
more than 9,000 highly trained nurses and
professional support staff. We equip them to
maximise their potential through continuous
learning, skills improvement and hands-
on experiences. In 2012, as part of our
efforts to enhance our workforce’s overall
competencies, we implemented a new
approach to General Talent Management
based on the following themes:
• Investment in training and development
to ensure a continuous pool of highly
skilled staff is available and that
employee skills and capabilities match
current business needs;
• The identification of high potential
people for fast-track development
programmes, which will form a part
of our Succession Development
• The balancing of needs pertaining to a
multi-generational workforce, in order
to minimise the impact that an aging
workforce will have on our manpower
• The promotion of more staff
engagement activities in order to attract
and retain talent within and outside KPJ.
Nurturing Excellence, Developing
As a leader in the people-centric sector that
is healthcare, KPJ has the responsibility for
developing employees who are capable
of dealing with various life situations in a
compassionate manner. KPJ adheres to this
responsibility, and to the constantly growing
demand for quality healthcare services
in the country, by facilitating training for
its healthcare professionals and existing
clinical team. Another aim of our training
modules are to instil a culture of learning
among our employees, as well as to cultivate
Our many training partners to date include
KPJ Healthcare University College, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Henley Management
School of University of Reading, University
of Hertfordshire, University of East London,
University of South Australia, ACCA, LIMA,
and International Business School. In the
pursuit of achieving our goals, KPJ continues
to sponsor employees for the Masters
Programmes, Bachelor’s degrees as well as
nursing post-basic certificates. Employees
are also sent to seminars throughout the year,
with a target to have every employee undergo
at least 30 hours of training each year.
Our employees under Succession
Development Plan (SDP) goes through
transformation leadership programmes and
offers career development opportunities to
outstanding employees based on their ability
and initiative.
Emphasis is also placed on leadership
succession as part of good management
practice by identifying potential leaders
from within the Group through the SDP
programme of competency mapping process
and other quantifiable measurements such
as the Staff Performance Appraisal Review,
Behavioural Event Interview, 360° Appraisal
and the Psychometric Test.
Ensuring a Transparent and Ethical
Good ethics, accountability and transparency
form an integral part of the foundation of
KPJ’s human capital and we have developed
various systems that enable us to keep these
factors in check. Our pay-for-performance
reward scheme is one of our most successful
programmes. It has been developed to not
only motivate staff but also to instil the values
of merit and good work ethics in all employee
work places, as well as to boost transparency
and accountability among the workforce.
borang peradaban
mechanism allows
employees to report any inappropriate acts in
term of physical or monetary and is another
measure to ensure high levels of integrity are
upheld throughout KPJ.
Taking this one step further, KPJ Healthcare
Berhad has signed the Malaysian Corporate
Integrity (CI) Pledge and has been included
amongst the list of signatories of PLCs that
are registered under the Malaysian Institute
of Integrity.
Effective 1 January 2012 also, all hospitals
and companies; Management and Officers
are required to use the CI Agreement in their
interactions with their business counterparts.
The CI Agreement acts as a tool for all parties
to engage in ethical business dealings with
one another. Whether they are vendors,
suppliers or JV Partners, among others, they
are guided by the CI principles.
A Safe Working Environment
KPJ has always gone out of its way to ensure
a safe working environment for its employees
and we continue to undertake effective
measures to make this a priority. These
measures include strict policies on planned
preventive maintenance; the safe and proper
disposal of sharp and hazardous materials;
and the close monitoring of the exposure
levels for employees who work within the
confines of radiation and diagnostic imaging
services. In addition to this, on-site training
and drills, such as fire and disaster drills, are
also organised to educate employees on how
best to cope with emergency situations.
Annual Report
KPJ Healthcare Berhad
In KPJ, training and development describe the ongoing efforts to improve the performance and
self-fulfillment of our employees through a variety of methods and programmes.