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Setting the Standards for Clinical Excellence

KPJ also sets its sights on higher standards of clinical excellence as one of its key agendas for 2011.

Initiatives include implementation of the Seven International Patient Safety Goals laid down by the World Health Organisation, which were put into practice at all hospitals within the Group and are now being closely monitored for compliance.

Nurses play a key role in preventing and controlling infection, hence the call for greater awareness on infection control practices among hospital employees and the public.

To this end, various activities relating to infection control are organised and KPJ constantly monitors infection rates and carries out regular surveillance to ensure compliance with good practices.

Nursing staff also constantly undergoes training and education through workshops and seminars, with much emphasis being placed on evidence-based practices, to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to arrive at the required level of competency.

Broadening the Continuum of Care

KPJ is also flling the gaps at its hospitals by bringing in additional Medical Consultants from various specialties and subspecialties as well as offering more comprehensive services.

During the year, 61 Medical Consultants joined the Group as Resident Consultants and another 60 as Visiting or Sessional Consultants, who bring with them years of experience in their respective fields of expertise.

This brings the total number of Medical Consultants within the Group to more than 760.

These doctors br ing wi th them vast experience in the felds of Anaethesiology, Cardiology, Oncology, Dentistry, Dermatology, Otorhinolaryngology, General Surgery, Internal Medicine with subspecialties in Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Neurology, Obstet r ics and Gynaecology (O&G) with Infertility & Reproductive Medicine subspecialty,

Ophthalmology, Or thopaedic Surger y, Paediatrics, Neonatalogy, Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstruct ive Surgery, Psychiatry, Radiology and Urology, to name a few.

The Medical Consultants are assisted by the latest in high-quality diagnostic and imaging facilities, enabling them to diagnose diseases with greater precision. New technologies combined with minimally invasive techniques help lower the risks to patients, resulting in faster recoveries and improving surgical outcomes.

Through the coordination of its clinicians, staff and services, in fscal year 2010, as many as 2,231,992 people sought outpatient treatment while 225,936 inpatients were nursed back to health at KPJ hospitals.

With diagnostic and imaging services avai lable at more than 20 convenient locations, and with a higher level of health education among the population, more people took greater care of their health and opted for preventive care screenings.

More than 500,000 patients utilised the Group’s diagnostic and imaging services in 2010, either for diagnosis of diseases or for general health screening. This included general X-ray, MRI, CT Scan, Mammography, Ultrasound and others.

During the year, the O&G Consultants and nursing staff helped more than 15,000 mothers deliver healthy babies and over 75,000 patients underwent surgeries at KPJ hospitals.

New ser v i ces are cont inual l y being introduced at each hospital and KPJ has also put in significant effort to make seeking healthcare treatment less daunting for patients, especially children, by creating a friendly atmosphere at the Paediatrics Wards at its hospitals. Premier wards are also being set up at KPJ hospitals to offer patients greater comfort and privacy.

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1. Internationally accepted practices and policies are strictly followed at all KPJ Hospitals to ensure patient safety and clinical excellence

2. Delivering medical care with empathy and compassion

3. KPJ broadens the continuum of care by bringing in Medical Consultants from various specialties and subspecialties as well as offering more comprehensive services

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