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• Advancing with Technology

In tandem with KPJ’s emphasis on being innovative, we have in place an integrated healthcare information system, linking the Group’s hospitals to reduce administrative processes and risks of human errors.

In line with this, signifcant investments were made to further enhance the KPJ Clinical Information System (K-CIS), Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) and other related software applications, enabling the full integration of clinical and administrative functions within hospitals. At present, three of our hospitals, namely Puteri Specialist Hospital, KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital and KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital are moving closer to the goal of a paperless environment, following the successful rollout of the integrated system.

A further three hospitals have commenced a similar rollout in 2010 and another fve have been identifed for 2011. It is targeted that, subsequently, an average of four hospitals will be fully integrated per annum, ultimately making the Group strategically and speedily connected.

These efforts have been further complemented by the agreement with Austrian IT frm, AHCS Advanced Healthcare Solutions AG. This undertaking, involving a further investment of RM15 million in research and development (R&D) over the next two years, will enhance the Group’s information system even further.

• Enhanced Patient Experience

In line with our Vision being the Preferred Healthcare Provider, KPJ’s goal is to provide excellent service to all our customers, at all times. To distinguish ourselves in a plethora of industry players, strong customer loyalty is key, built upon each KPJ Patient Experience provided to patients, consistently touching their hearts at all touch-points - from entry to exit.

Our unceasing desire to deliver service has led to the adoption of core procedures and process in dealing with patients. This measure was undertaken because in KPJ, we believe in the principle that well-executed service policies and procedures defnitely colour our name as a leading healthcare player in the region.

In this light, KPJ goes through great lengths to ascertain the needs of our valued patients. Hospital staff embrace the principles of ‘Service Excellence – KPJ Way Group Alignment and Re-Engineering (SEGAR)’ initiative, which outlines standard operating procedures, guidel ines and pol icies related to consistently high standards of customer service that are at par with international standards.

Throughout the year, al l KPJ hospitals enhanced their customer service programmes, through the Standard People Pract ice (SPP). This ensures that not only customers’ satisfaction is met but their experience in all areas of services is consistent and beyond expectations, thus creating patient delight in providing hospital overall services.

In January 2010, KPJ re-launched its Group-wide Smile Campaign, reaffrming our commitment to delivering excellent care with warm, pleasant smiles each time. 

• Commitment in Providing Safe Care

KPJ is synonymous with quality, evident in the Group’s constant push for service excellence at all levels of its operations.

As a signifcantly strong advocate of patient safety, KPJ is always cognizant of the need to provide quality medical care to all who walk through our doors. Measures such as the development of clinical policies, observing best practices and striving to achieve internationally-recognised accreditation are just but a few of the many initiatives undertaken to ensure consistent quality medical care at all KPJ hospitals.

Our clinical policies are developed and practices governed by the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC), which comprises Medical Consultants and the senior management. These policies are continually reviewed and practices are strictly governed to ensure continuous patient safety and high standards are maintained, in line with regulatory frameworks. The MAC is the key driver of clinical excellence in the Group and it stands as proof of our unceasing quality, continuous improvement and professional integrity, compliant to the Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998.

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