annual report 2004 laporan tahunan
DIRECTORS PROFILE / profil pengarah-pengarah
Aged 64, Dr Chakr was appointed as a Director of KPJ Healthcare
on 1 September 1994. He graduated from University of Malaya,
Singapore with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
in 1964. He proceeded to do his post-graduate studies and obtained
his Membership Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(MRCOG), London, United Kingdom in 1971. He obtained his
Fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeon (FRCS), Edinburgh
and Scotland, in 1970 and Fellow Royal College of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology (FRCOG) in 1985. His medical career started in 1965
as a Houseman at Ipoh General Hospital, and later was in general
practices in Ipoh, Butterworth and Kota Bharu. In 1966, he assumed
Dr Chakr Sri
several senior positions internationally at West Middlesex Hospital,
Isleworth, St. Luke`s Hospital, Guildford, Surrey and later promoted
Na Nagara
as a Registrar of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Isle of Thanet
Hospital, Margate, Kent, England till December 1971. His 5-year
overseas medical experience had given him a better perspective
when he became a lecturer at University of Malaya. He started his
private practice as Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist in Ipoh
in 1973.
He has been the resident Consultant for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
at Ipoh Specialist Hospital since its inception. His contributions to
the community include being a member of the Ethical Committee
of MMA from 1986 to 1987, the President of the Association of
Private Hospitals in Malaysia (APHM) from 1996 to 1998, its Vice-
President from 1998 to 2004 and a board member of APHM since
Dr Lim
1988 until to-date. He also sits on the Board of Visitors of Hospital
Kee Jin
Bahagia since 1976.
Aged 81, Dato' was appointed as a Director of KPJ Healthcare on 1
Berusia 64 tahun, Dr Chakr telah dilantik sebagai Pengarah KPJ
September 1994. He graduated from University of Malaya,
Healthcare pada 1 September 1994. Beliau adalah lulusan Bachelor
Singapore with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) pada tahun 1964. Beliau
in 1952, and completed his postgraduate training in 1957/58 in
melanjutkan pelajarannya dalam ijazah lanjutan dan mendapat
Edinburgh and London. He then became a Fellow of the Royal
Membership Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (MRCOG),
College of Physicians of Edinburgh and London and received an
London, United Kingdom pada tahun 1971. Beliau mendapat
Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians
Fellowship dari Royal College of Surgeon (FRCS), Edinburgh dan
in 1975. While in Government service, he rose steadily from House
Scotland, pada tahun 1970 dan Fellow Royal College of Obstetrics
Physician to Senior Consultant Physician in 1970.
and Gynaecology (FRCOG) pada tahun 1985. Kerjaya beliau dalam
He was the President of Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) from
bidang perubatan telah bermula sejak 1965 sebagai Houseman di
June 1969 to June 1970 and College of Physicians of Malaysia. He
Hospital Besar Ipoh dan kemudian praktis umum di Ipoh,
is also the founder and Chairman of the Postgraduate Medical
Butterworth dan Kota Bahru. Dalam tahun 1966, beliau telah
Centre in Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru and was the first
dilantik menjawat beberapa jawatan kanan di peringkat
Chairman of MMA Foundation as well as founder and Editor-In-
antarabangsa di West Middlesex Hospital, Isleworth, St. Luke`s
Chief of the journal, Berita MMA, for 17 years.
Hospital, Guildford, Surrey dan kemudian dinaikkan pangkat
Berusia 81 tahun, Dato' telah dilantik sebagai Pengarah KPJ
sebagai Registrar of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Isle of Thanet
Healthcare sejak 1 September 1994. Lulusan dari Universiti Malaya,
Hospital, Margate, Kent, England sehingga Disember 1971.
Singapura dengan Ijazah Perubatan dan Pembedahan (MBBS) pada
Pengalaman beliau selama 5 tahun beliau di luar negara telah
tahun 1952, beliau telah menamatkan program Ijazah Lanjutan
memberikan pengalaman serta perspektif baru bila dilantik
beliau di Edinburgh dan London pada tahun 1957/58. Beliau
menjadi pensyarah di Universiti Malaya. Beliau telah memulakan
kemudian menjadi Fellow Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
praktis sebagai Pakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan di Ipoh pada tahun
dan London dan telah menerima Fellowship Kehormat Royal
Australisian College of Physician pada tahun 1975. Semasa
berkhidmat di dalam kerajaan, beliau telah bermula sebagai House
Beliau telah dilantik sebagai Pakar Perbidanan dan Sakit Puan Tetap
Physician dan dinaikkan pangkat sehingga menjadi Pakar Perubatan
di Ipoh Specialist Hospital sejak penubuhannya. Sumbangannya
pada tahun 1970.
kepada masyarakat adalah menerusi penglibatannya sebagai ahli
Beliau adalah Presiden Pertubuhan Perubatan Malaysia (MMA) dari
Jawatankuasa Etika MMA dari tahun 1986 hingga 1987, Presiden
Jun 1969 hingga Jun 1970 dan College of Physician of Malaysia.
Pertubuhan Hospital Pakar Malaysia (APHM) dari tahun 1986 hingga
Beliau juga merupakan Pengasas serta Pengerusi Pusat Perubatan
1998, dan Naib Presiden dari tahun 1998 hingga 2004 dan Ahli
Ijazah Lanjutan Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru dan
Lembaga Pengarah APHM sejak 1998 sehingga kini. Beliau juga
Pengerusi Pertama Yayasan MMA serta Pengasas dan Editor Journal
adalah Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Lawatan Hospital Bahagia dari tahun
Berita MMA selama 17 tahun.
1976 hingga kini.