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Annual Report 2013
Statement on
Corporate Governance
(Pursuant to Section 15.26 of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements)
Compliance Statement
Pursuant to Paragraph 15.26 of the Main LR, the Board is pleased to report that this Statement of Corporate Governance provides the Corporate
Governance practices of the Company with reference to theMCCG 2012. The Board, however, has reserved several of the Recommendations and their
Commentaries, and has rationalised and provided justi cations for any deviations in this Statement. Nevertheless, KPJ will continue to strengthen its
governance practices to safeguard the best interests of its shareholders and other stakeholders.
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with its resolution dated 13 March 2014.
Dato’ Kamaruzzaman Abu Kassim
Amiruddin Abdul Satar
President &Managing Director
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of EPF, Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan posing a group photowith EPF
and KPJManagement teamon 1 July 2013.
KPJManagement during Q&ASessionwith
Thailand Delegates on 26March 2013.