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Annual Report 2013
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Aminudin Dawam, aged 50, was appointed to the Board of KPJ on 1 January 2014. He
is also a member of the KPJ Tender Board Committee and Building Committee. He is
currently the Vice President (Property & Business Development Division) of Johor
Corporation since September 2013.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Sam Houston State
University, Huntsville, Texas, USA in 1986 and completed his Master degree at the
same university in 1988. He received Post Graduate Diploma in Health Services &
Hospital Management at South Bank University, London, United Kingdom in 1997.
He joined KPJ in 1998 and has managed various companies and hospitals within the
KPJ Group. He has also served as Commissioning Director for United Hospital Limited,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
His last post in KPJ was the Group General Manager until January 2011. He later
resigned from KPJ to join Pantai Holdings Berhad as the Chief Operating Of cer,
Malaysia Operations until August 2013.
Note :
Other than as disclosed, all directors do not have any family relationships with any director and/or major shareholder
of the Company. All directors have no personal interest in any business arrangements involving KPJ. All directors have
not been convicted for any offence and have attended all or the majority of the Board of Directors’ Meeting of the
Company as stipulated by the Listing Requirements for the nancial year ended 31 December 2013.