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Annual Report 2013
assured the Group will undertake the necessary
due diligence as its explores new opportunities
in new markets. In tandem with the Group’s
efforts to grow the revenue contributions from
the medical tourism business segment to 25% in
six years’ time, it will also intensify its efforts in
this area.
As the Group ramps up its capacity building and
service expansion activities, it expects patient
numbers on both the domestic and international
fronts to increase steadfastly in the medium to
As KPJ ventures forth to capitalise on new
opportunities, there will de nitely be challenges
ahead for the Group. We are con dent that the
Group can overcome these challenges with the
un inching support of its dedicatedmanagement
team, employees and medical consultants. On
KPJ’s part, we commit to providing our people
the necessary tools and a conducive work
environment to get the job done. This will allow
KPJ’s employees to give their complete attention
to the needs of their patients while upholding
KPJ’s philosophy of “Care for Life”.
As the Group’s people work together as a team,
stays true to KPJ’s Core Values, prioritise patient
safety and quality medical care, as well as
undertake aggressive business strategies, we
are con dent of gaining patient con dence and
strengthening KPJ’s reputation as a key player in
the healthcare sector. Going forward, the Board
is con dent that KPJ will continue to deliver
a good performance in 2014 while creating
enduring value for its shareholders.
KPJ’s good progress in 2013 is owing to the
worthy efforts of several parties and we wish to
acknowledge them for their efforts. We would
like to convey our utmost gratitude to you, our
Shareholders, for your unwavering trust and
continued con dence in us. As we venture
forth, we will continue to work hard to deliver a
strong performance on all fronts and ensure the
creation of sustainable shareholder value.
We are indeed grateful to all our customers for
their kind support and continuing trust inKPJ.We
we operate in who have come to the fore to
support our corporate responsibility activities.
With the strong backing and encouragement of
communities, we are truly motivated to continue
upholding our commitment to “Care for Life” and
to make a tangible difference in their lives.
Our sincereappreciationgoes to theGovernment
and authorities for their steadfast cooperation
and guidance, and to KPJ’s business partners for
their unrelenting support. Our sincere gratitude
also goes to all medical consultants within the
KPJ Group who have worked diligently to deliver
the highest quality of care to our patients. Our
heartfelt gratitude also goes to the management
team and staff of KPJ, for their hard work,
dedication, professionalism and commitment to
excellence in every aspect of their service and
care for customers.
We convey our deep appreciation to our
colleagues on the Board, as well as the
Executive, Audit and Clinical Committees who
have all worked together with us to propel KPJ
forward on the pathway to prosperity. We are
grateful for their guidance and wise counsel as
well as their continuing support as we undertake
various initiatives for the good of the Group.
The KPJ Board underwent several changes
during the year under review. We were greatly
suddened by the passing of Tuan Haji Abdul
Razak Haron, who served as a Director of KPJ
from 2011 to 2013. We also take this opportunity
to acknowledge the contributions of Datuk Dr.
Hussein Awang, an Independent Non-Executive
Director, who announced his retirement on 11
June 2013, and Tuan Haji RozanMd. Saat, a Non-
Independent Non-Executive Director and the
CEO of the Hospitality Division of JCorp, who
resigned on 1 January 2014. We thank these
gentlemen for their worthy contributions
and wish them every success in their future
Subsequently in early 2014, we appointed two
very experienced leaders who we believe will
be able to contribute positively to the Board and
bring the Group to higher levels of excellence.
We welcome on board Tuan Haji Aminudin
Dawam and Tuan Haji Zulki i Ibrahim, both
Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors
who assumed their positions on 1 January 2014.
Their appointment further strengthens KPJ’s
Board and ensures our bench is consistently
well balanced with experienced professionals
that include renowned specialist doctors. Our
Board members are constantly providing input
and advice to our management and helping the
Group stay the course. We certainly look forward
to more of this.
Moving forward, the Group will continue to
maintain a rm commitment to delivering the
highest standards of operational excellence and
world class patient care with professionalism
and an undivided compassion. As all of us at
KPJ renew our commitment to “Care for Life”
and pursue the Group’s vision of becoming “The
Preferred Healthcare Provider”, we call upon
all stakeholders to work together with us as we
pursue new heights of success. Thank you.
Dato’ Kamaruzzaman Abu Kassim
Amiruddin Abdul Satar
President &Managing Director
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