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Annual Report 2013
Statement to
As KPJ focuses its efforts on expanding regionally to strengthen its
presenceandcapabilities, it is alsobolstering its operational ef ciencies,
building up its human capital, as well as adopting new skills, processes
and technologies. The Group’s commitment to upholding high clinical
standards and a strong track record of patient safety is re ected in the
many quality certi cations that it holds.
Several marketplace opportunities today are helping to drive the Group’s
pro tability and sustainable growth. The continuing demand for private
healthcare services, the growing middle-income population in key
markets, the escalating growth of medical tourism activities, as well
as ongoing expansion programmes, all bode well for the Group and are
helping to drive demand for its unique brand of healthcare services.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are delighted to share with you
the key nancial and operational highlights of KPJ Healthcare Berhad
for the nancial year ended 31 December 2013, as well as some insights
into the Group’s plans going forward.
Today, as the KPJ Group makes strong advances forward, it continues
to leverage on a shared vision to build healthier communities and
an unwavering commitment to “Care for Life”. Through the Group’s
continuumof highly specialisedmedical solutions, which cover the entire
patient lifecycle from pre-natal to geriatric care, KPJ is transcending
borders and bridging cultures.
KPJ’s commitment to “Care for Life” is re ected in theworld class patient
care, professionalism and undivided compassion that its people show to
the communities that they serve. On top of this, the Group ensures the
quality of its healthcare offering through continuous improvements in
patient care and clinical outcomes.
The Group’s over 10,000 dedicated employees, who have embraced
KPJ’s culture of excellence, are also empowered with the skills and
know-how to enhance patient care. In all that they do, KPJ’s people hold
true to KPJ’s Core Values of Safety, Courtesy, Integrity, Professionalism
and Continuous Improvement.
The KPJ Group continues
to leverage on a shared
vision to build healthier
communities and an
unwavering commitment
Care for Life