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Annual Report 2013
Share capital (continued)
Share Split, Bonus Issue and Free Warrants (continued)
The fair value of shares issued on the exercise of warrants is the mean market price at which the Company’s shares were traded
on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on the day prior to the exercise of the warrants.
Proposed Combination of New Issue of Securities
On 28 November 2013, the shareholders of the Company approved the combination of new issues of securities at the Extraordinary
General Meeting as follows:
Bonus Issue of up to 329,766,497 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in the Company on the basis of one (1) bonus share for
every two (2) existing shares held.
On 27 December 2013, 327,279,946 Bonus Shares and 2,451,551 additional warrants 2010/2015 consequential to the Bonus
Issue were listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
Renounceable Rights Issue of up to 43,968,866 new shares on the basis of one (1) rights share for every fteen (15) existing
shares held, together with up to 87,937,732 free detachable NewWarrants 2013/2018 on the basis of two new (2) warrants for
every one (1) rights share subscribed.
On 29 January 2014, 43,637,326 Rights Shares and 87,274,652 New Warrants as well as 96,098 additional warrants 2010/2015
consequential to the Rights Issue were listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
The issue price of RM2.80 for the Right Shares are arrived based on a discount of approximately thirty percent (30%) over the
theoretical ex-all price of the shares (after taking into account the Proposed Bonus Issue) based on the ve (5)-day volume
weighted average market price (“VWAP”) of the shares immediately preceding the price xing date.
(iii) Increase in the authorised share capital of the Company from RM500,000,000 to RM750,000,000 by way of issuance of
500,000,000 ordinary shares of RM0.50 each.
The new shares issued arising from the Bonus Issue, Rights Issue and Free Warrants exercised shall upon issue and allotment,
rank pari passu in all respects.
Notes to the
Financial Statements
For the financial year ended 31 December 2013