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Annual Report 2013
Notes to the
Financial Statements
For the financial year ended 31 December 2013
Corporate information
KPJ Healthcare Berhad (”the Company”), a public limited liability company, incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia, and is listed on the
Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. The registered of ce of the Company is located at Suite 12B, Level 12, Menara Ansar,
65 Jalan Trus, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor. The principal place of business of the Company is located at Level 12, Menara 238, Jalan Tun
Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur.
The Directors regard Johor Corporation, a body corporate established under the Johor Corporation Enactment (No. 4 of 1968) (as amended
by Enactment No. 5 of 1995), as the ultimate holding corporation.
The principal activities of the Company are investment holding and provision of management services to subsidiaries. The principal
activities of the subsidiaries are mainly the operation of specialist hospitals. The details of the principal activities of the subsidiaries are
disclosed in Note 16. There have been no signi cant changes in the nature of the principal activities during the nancial year.
The nancial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors in accordance with a resolution of the directors on 13 March
Summary of signi cant accounting policies
Basis of preparation
The nancial statements of the Group and of the Company have been prepared in accordance with Malaysian Financial
Reporting Standards (“MFRS”), International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of the Companies Act, 1965 in
The nancial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except as disclosed in the accounting policies below.
The nancial statements are presented in Ringgit Malaysia (RM) and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (RM’000)
except when otherwise indicated.
Changes in accounting policies
The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous nancial year except as follows:
On 1 January 2013, the Group and the Company adopted the following new and amended MFRS and IC Interpretations mandatory
for annual nancial periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013.
Effective for annual
periods beginning
on or after
Amendments to MFRS 101: Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income
1 July 2012
MFRS 3 Business Combinations
(IFRS 3 Business Combinations issued by IASB in March 2004)
1 January 2013
MFRS 127 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
(IAS 27 revised by IASB in December 2003)
1 January 2013
MFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements
1 January 2013
MFRS 11 Joint arrangements
1 January 2013
MFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
1 January 2013
MFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
1 January 2013
MFRS 119 Employee Bene ts (IAS 19 as amended by IASB in June 2011)
1 January 2013