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Annual Report 2013
Service Quality Management
The “People” Asset
KPJ has long believed that it takes good people
to build a successful organisation. KPJ’s
employees and caregivers are at the core of
this belief and it is vital that KPJ continues to
cultivate and develop our People asset.
In 2013, the SQM Division began an initiative
to enhance and internalise customer service
training and coaching. This initiative began
by identifying key personnel within the Group
with the purpose of transforming them into
customer service coaches. Having achieved
expectations and growing as coaches over
the course of the training process, all of
our coaches received certi cation at the
end of 2013.
At the same time, the SQM Division developed
high-level content for the coaches to deliver
effective customer service training. Four
modules were developed on the following
topics: customerservicestrategydevelopment;
implementing customer service standards;
and managing customer interactions.
The rst two modules target heads of
services (HoS) and hospital management.
These particular modules discuss issues
such as the service cycle, customer pro ling,
integrated customer service strategy,
developing work teams, the SMART approach
and customer service coaching. The other
two modules are meant for all levels of staff
and focus on areas such as the customer
service value proposition, the customer
service ecosystem, the customer experience
and quality, effective communication and
methods, building customer loyalty as well as
Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
The coaches have begun to deliver the
modules and there has been positive
participant feedback thus far. Through this
initiative to internalise customer service
training competencies, the SQM Division
intends to deliver training and cultivate
customer service best practices throughout
the Group.
Strengthening the “Care” Culture
One of the key contributing factors to
KPJ’s success to date is the focus on
an organisational culture of continuous
improvement. The ‘Care’ culture that KPJ and
the SQMDivision strive for is one that focuses
on both the customer and the caregiver.
In 2006, KPJ had already embarked on a
cultural transformation by establishing the
Standard People Practice (SPP) with the
intention of standardising the quality and
consistency of service delivery throughout
the KPJ Group of Hospitals. Focusing on
communication skills, emphasising empathy
and motivating caregivers to go beyond
the expectations of customers, the SPP is
set to raise service levels throughout the
Group. Since its inception, 10 hospitals
have implemented the SPP programme
with de nitive positive impact on customer
satisfaction levels measured through
Customer Service Indexing (CSI).