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Annual Report 2013
Rising Patient Con dence
KPJ’s commitment to quality service,
compassionatecareandpatient safetycontinues
to play a signi cant role in ensuring high patient
con dence in our hospital operations. This
commitment also serves as a strong attraction
to patients and helps promote patient loyalty
as evident by the growing number of patients
across our hospital network.
In 2013, the total number of patients grew by
1.9% to more than 2.74 million from a total of
some 2.69 million in 2012. Total outpatients for the
Group rose by 1.3% to a record 2,475,371 patients
compared to 2,444,308 in 2012. For the period
under review, KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital
recorded the highest number of outpatients at
264,244 outpatients followed by KPJ Damansara
Specialist Hospital and KPJ Ampang Puteri
Specialist Hospital. The Group registered a 4.7%
growth in inpatient numbers to 261,697 inpatients
in 2013, from some 249,955 inpatients in 2012.
There was also an increase in the number of
surgical cases by 2.8% to 89,567 surgical cases
in 2013 in comparison to 87,130 cases in the
preceding year. The total bed capacity within
KPJ’s hospital network increased to 2,714 as at 31
December 2013, while the occupancy rate at our
hospital improved to an average 66% occupancy
The strategically located new hospitals, the
ongoing improvements to existing facilities
and services, as well as aggressive marketing
and promotional activities, all contributed to
the higher number of patients in 2013. The
further strengthening of our relationships with
corporate clients and insurers, who are major
supporters of our hospitals, also played an
important role in improving our patient load.
Good Inroads in Indonesia
Despite experiencing very challenging operating
environment in 2013, our Indonesian Hospital
segment continued to make good progress,
registering a 52% increase in revenue to RM33.5
million from RM22.1 million previously. The
higher revenue came on the back of revenue
contributions from RSMedika Permata Hijau.
While our two Indonesian operations are
expected to face intense competition in coming
years and will nd it a challenge to sustain their
performanceasper thepreviousyears, theGroup
is still optimistic about the long-termprospects of
the Indonesian market. Further upgrading of the
facilities and services at our Indonesian hospitals
are currently being undertaken to attract more
patients, especially those from the more af uent
echelons of society.
Anti-Gravity Machine at Tawakkal Healthcare Centre for Physio Therapy treatment.
Total outpatients for
the Group
rose by
to a record
Our Indonesian Hospital
segment continued to
make good progress,
registering a
increase in revenue to
RM33.5 million.
Hospital Operations