Page 74 - KPJ_2011

SEO Version

1. Composition And Attendance
For the financial year ended 31 December 2011, the Audit
Committee comprised of three Directors, all of whom are
also members of the Board of KPJ Healthcare Berhad.
The composition of the Audit Committee and the record of
their attendance are as follows:
* Reflects the number of meetings attended during the
time the Director held office.
2. Terms Of Reference
a. To ensure transparency, integrity and accountability in
the Group’s activities so as to safeguard the rights and
interests of the shareholders;
b. To provide assistance to the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary
responsibilities relating to corporate accounting and
reporting practices;
c. To improve the Group’s business efficiency, the quality of
the accounting and audit function and strengthen public
confidence in the Group’s reported financial results; and
d. To maintain open lines of communication between the
Board and the External and Internal Auditors.
a. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by
the Board, amongst its Directors who fulfils the following
i. the Committee must comprise not less than three (3)
ii. all members must be Non-Executive Directors, with a
majority of them being independent directors; and
iii. all members should be financially literate and at least
one (1) must be amember of theMalaysian Institute of
Accountants (MIA) or have the relevant qualifications
and experience as specified in the Bursa Malaysia
Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) Main Market
Listing Requirements.
b. The Chairman of the Committee, elected from amongst
the Audit Committee members, shall be approved by the
Board and shall be an Independent Director.
c. No alternate Director of the Board shall be appointed as
a member of the Committee.
d. The term of office and performance of the Committee
members are reviewed by the Board yearly and may be
re-nominated and appointed by the Board.
Reporting Responsibilities
The Committee will report to the Board on the nature and
extent of the functions performed by it and may take such
recommendations to the Board on any audit and financial
reporting matters as it may think fit.
A minimum of four (4) meetings a year shall be planned
and additional meetings may be called at any time at the
Chairman’s discretion.
Audit Committee Report
From left:
Datuk Azzat Kamaludin
Member/Independent Non-Executive Director
Zainah Mustafa
Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director
Datuk Dr Hussein Awang
Member/Independent Non-Executive Director
Zainah Mustafa
Non-Executive Director
(Re-designated as Chairman
on 16 June 2011)
Datuk Azzat Kamaludin
Non-Executive Director
Datuk Dr Hussein Awang
Non-Executive Director
Tan Sri Datuk Arshad Ayub
Chairman/Senior Independent
Non-Executive Director
(Ceased as Chairman and
member on 16 June 2011)
Members /
Status of directorship
Attendance %