Datin Paduka Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir
Managing Director
Datin Paduka Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir,
aged 59, is the Managing Director of KPJ
Healthcare Berhad (KPJ) since 1 March
1993. She graduated with a Bachelor of
Economics from University of Malaya and
holds an MBA from Henley Management
College, University Reading, London.
Her career with Johor Corporation (JCorp)
commenced in 1974 and she is directly
involved with JCorp’s Healthcare Division
since 1978. Datin Paduka was appointed as
the Chief Executive of Kumpulan Perubatan
(Johor) Sdn Bhd (KPJSB) from 1989 until the
listing of KPJ in November 1994.
Datin Paduka is the Chairman of various
hospitals and companies in the KPJ
Group, as well as MIT Insurance Brokers
Sdn Bhd. She is a Non-Independent,
Non-Executive Director of Kulim (Malaysia)
Bhd, KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd,
QSR Brands Bhd and Damansara REIT
Managers Sdn Bhd. Datin Paduka is also
a Director of Waqaf An-Nur Corporation
Bhd, a non-governmental organisation
dedicated to the provision of healthcare
services to the less fortunate.
Committed to promoting excellence in
healthcare, Datin Paduka is the President
of the Malaysian Society for Quality in
Health (MSQH), elected since its inception
in 1997 to date.
She is a member of the Malaysia
Productivity Council (MPC) Consultative
Panel on Healthcare since 2001 and a
member of the National Patient Safety
Council, Ministry of Health since 2003. In
2009, she was appointed as a member of
the Malaysian Healthcare Travel Council,
Ministry of Health.
Datin Paduka was a Board member of
MATRADE from 1999 to 2010 and was an
Independent Non-Executive Director of
Bursa Malaysia from 2004 to April 2012.
In 2010, Datin Paduka was named the
‘CEO of The Year 2009’ by The New
Straits Times Press and the American
Express. In 2011, Datin Paduka achieved
three more awards, namely the ‘Asia
Leading Woman CEO of The Year’ at the
Women in Leadership (WIL) Forum Asia,
the ‘Masterclass Woman CEO of The
Year’ by the Global Leadership Awards
and the ‘BrandLaureate Transformational
Leadership Awards 2011’ from The Asia
Pacific Brands Foundation.
Amiruddin Abdul Satar, aged 47, is the
Chief Operating Officer of KPJ Healthcare
Berhad (KPJ) and has been appointed as
the Executive Director of the Group since
July 2011.
An accountant by profession, Amiruddin
is a member of the Association of
Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
and also obtained a Masters in Business
Administration (MBA) from Henley Business
School,Universityof Reading,UnitedKingdom.
He gained significant experience in the
fields of finance and management through
his capacity as Accountant and Finance
Manager at several large and reputable
organisations in the country before joining
KPJ in 1993.
As the Chief Operations Officer, and since
July 2011 as Executive Director, Amiruddin
has played a vital role in monitoring the
Group’s performance and steering the
operations to greater heights.
His overall contribution to KPJ,
spanning more than 15 years, has been
immeasurable particularly in the areas of
hospital operations, finance and senior
management functions such as strategic
planning and investment decisions.
He also sits on the Board of several KPJ
hospitals as Chairman or Executive
Director of these hospitals.
With almost two decades of experience
in the healthcare industry, Amiruddin also
shares his experience and contributes
to the development of the Malaysian
healthcare sector through his active
involvement in the Association of Private
Hospitals of Malaysia (APHM), where he
sits as a Board member, a position he has
held since 1996.
He also continues to participate actively
in charity and other meaningful events
that aim to bring about the development
of a healthier society.
Amiruddin Abdul Satar
Executive Director