To sustain the environment for future generations, KPJ
leads environment-friendly initiatives in four broad ways:
1. Paying homage to the environment by raising awareness
among employees and community
2. Reducing carbon footprint through conscious effort to
recycle and reduce waste
3. Creating a green environment at place of business
4. Investing in Green Technology for environmental
protection and maximize resources
KPJ’s projects such as tree planting, promoting recycling,
community service or gotong-royong together with the
community are aimed at continually raising awareness
about the need to care for the environment and preserve
this treasure.
It also shows support for green activities by commemorating
World Environment Day through activities and display of
information at its hospitals to educate its employees and
the community on climate changes and the impact of
wastage on the environment.
While the use of electricity is essential, KPJ also encourages
its staff to “switch off” whenever possible and to maximize
the use of resources by employing more efficient methods.
The hospitals also participate in Earth Hour by switching off
at non-critical areas during the designated hour.
Employees, whether as representatives of the Group or on
volunteer basis, also participate in other independent or
state events that are aimed at environmental protection.
KPJ also does its part to reduce carbon footprint by
reducing the use of plastic bags at its hospitals and
encouraging employees to recycle.
Each hospital allocates a corner for recycling activities and
staff members are regularly advised to recycle the paper
and plastic materials. Printing materials are minimized in a
bid to reduce the use of paper.
Sharps and hazardous waste are also appropriately dealt
with, with disposals contracted only to qualified vendors,
to ensure that the disposal is in line with KPJ’s strict
policies on waste management and Safety, Health and
Environment (SHE).
To create a greener environment at the workplace, KPJ
hospitals also carry out tree planting activities and gotong-
royong with the local community and authorities to clean
up the surrounding areas and to rid mosquito and pests
breeding grounds.
In developments like its Jeta Gardens retirement resort in
Australia, the lush greenery of nature is preserved through
the availability of extensive parklands and the creation of its
picturesque Chinese Gardens and walkways in the settings
of an abundance of wildlife and birds at its ponds and the
surrounding borders of the Logan River.
Environmental protection efforts also include
significant investment in information technology
through the roll out and continuous enhancement of IT
systems at KPJ hospitals.
Of significance is the utilization of the Picture Archiving
and Communication System (PACS), Digital Imaging
Systems and Computed Radiography Systems, which
eliminates the use of imaging films and chemicals for
processing the films.
In addition, with the integrated KPJ Clinical Information
System being rolled out at its hospitals, KPJ further
eliminates the use of paper for a significant portion of
its processes as they system enables processes to be
efficiently carried out online without the use of paper and
for diagnostic images to be stored and read online without
the need to produce films, unless requested by patients.
A wider initiative would be the investment in facilities
that can reduce the use of chemicals and other harmful
substances as well as the development of green buildings,
which will be the future for environment protection, as that
will help to save energy and reduce waste.
One achievement of significance is the setting up of the
Certified Sterilization Service Centre (CSSS) in Rawang,
Selangor, which sterilizes medical instruments using wet
steam, and this reduces the use of chemicals.
The use of green buildings technology at KPJ is a
deliverable that is expected to come to fruition with the
completion of the extension for KPJ Selangor Specialist
Hospital in the coming year << to check and verify >>,
which in addition to saving energy, will also feature waste
reduction through the processing of excess food into
As with its other CR initiatives, KPJ also looks favourably
to participating and supporting projects that are
environmentally-friendly and dealing with suppliers that
are environmentally conscious, and the Group will also
continue to invest in new technologies and facilities that
minimize the use of chemicals and other substances that
can be harmful to Mother Earth.
We also continue to hold dialogues with our suppliers and
business partners to encourage responsible sourcing of
material and invite them to participate in our green projects
and initiatives.