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The Management is committed to enforce ethical behaviour in employees and medical consultants. All employees and medical consultants are reminded during the annual staff assembly or “Pedoman” (Perhimpunan, Dialog dan Anugerah Tahunan Anggota Pekerja) of the five Core Values adopted by the Group, which are Safety, Courtesy, Integrity, Professionalism and Continuous Improvement. Employees are reminded to be more transparent in their conduct, consistent with the core values of KPJ Group which promotes high ethical practices and integrity. All employees are encouraged to report directly to the Managing Director of any misconduct or unethical behaviour committed by any staff of the Group through the Borang Peradaban declaration.

The Group has implemented the policy on “Code of Ethics and Business Conduct” to emphasize the commitment of the Group towards ethical values.


The Group is committed to improve the skills and competencies of its management, medical consultants and employees through various training programmes, seminars, workshops and quality initiatives. Some of the hospitals in the Group received their accreditation certifcation from the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for the frst, second, third and fourth cycles. The focus of the MSQH certifcation is on patient safety and quality of care. Two of the Accredited Hospitals namely KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital and KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital are undergoing survey for the JCI Accreditation.

To improve effciency and effectiveness of services, each employee is expected to undergo at least 30 hours of training per year. Training on work related areas such as customer services, fre safety and corporate culture are done either internally or through external moderators. The Group has initiated training on Customer Services called “Service Excellence the KPJ Way” by using the “Standard People Practice” as a tool.

To promote continuous learning and upgrading of knowledge, the Group has sponsored eligible executives to further their studies in Master in Business Administration (Healthcare Management). In 2010, 17 of these executives have graduated and obtained their MBAs from the University Technology Malaysia. Nurses are also encouraged to further their studies either for the Degree in Nursing or Masters in Science (Nursing) through collaboration with foreign universities or to take up post basic courses in operation theatre, ICU, CICU, renal and midwifery to enhance their knowledge and skills. The Group also organizes the KPJ Medical Conference, Medical Workshop and Nursing Convention yearly for the medical consultants, nurses and allied health staff to deliberate and discuss medical and clinical issues related to their practices to promote patient safety and standardization of practices.

New and creative ideas are encouraged through suggestion schemes and Innovative Circle Committee competitions, held yearly, whereby the winner of this event will represent KPJ at the higher level of competition at JCorp, the ultimate holding corporation. For the reporting period, the Group has also introduced Lean Management, a tool to monitor process fows, identify wastages and improve operations.


The organization structure of the Group, headed by the Managing Director, is divided into three (3) main divisions: Financial, Professional Services and Operation. For the day-to-day operations, the accredited hospitals within the Group are managed by the Executive Director and Chief Executive Offcer, whereas for the non-accredited hospitals daily operation are managed by the General Manager and supervised by the Executive Directors, who hold corporate responsibilities as well.

The Executive Directors and the General Managers are assisted by the Medical Directors in relation to clinical issues in the hospitals. At the Corporate level, the Group is assisted by the Medical Advisory Committee and Clinical Governance Committee on matters pertaining to clinical issues.


The Board assigns authority and responsibility mainly to the Executive Committee (EXCO) to manage operation as well as strategic issues pertaining to the delivery of services and future direction of the Group. Major purchases are discussed and deliberated by the EXCO before they are tabled at the respective hospital’s Board meetings. The objective is to ensure Group synergy, standardization and bulk discounts.

Various committees were formed to identify, evaluate, monitor and manage the signifcant risks affecting the achievement of business objectives. These committees are:

1. Medical Advisory Committee

Responsible for monitoring the ethical and good medical practice of medical consultants.

2. Clinical Governance Committee

a. Responsible for the establishment of framework for all the

clinicians with the Group to:

i. Continuously improve service quality ii. Ensure high standard of care

iii. Create an environment that promotes excellence in

clinical care

b. There are various sub-committees under the Clinical

Governance Committee; namely Clinical Governance Policy Committee, Clinical Governance Action Committee and Clinical Risk Management Committee.

3. Procurement/Tender Committee

a. Ensure that purchases of equipment and tender of projects

are made in accordance with the standard operating procedures as well as leveraging on bulk discounts.

b. Coordinates the standardization of equipment and medical

supplies purchased.

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