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78 KPJ Healthcare Berhad

(Company No. 247079 M)

Annual Report 2010

Dialogue between Companies and Investors

The Group understands that one of its major responsibilities is to provide suffcient and timely information as and when necessary to its shareholders and investors as this refects good corporate governance practice. It is imperative to maintain transparency and to build trust and understanding in the relationship through active dialogue and communication with shareholders and investors.

As part of Group’s commitment to a high level communication and transparency with the investment community, experienced and senior level management personnel are directly involved in the Group’s investor relations function.

The Chairman, Managing Director and Senior Management personnel hold discussions with analysts and shareholders from time to time on the Group’s results submitted to Bursa Malaysia. Presentations are made, where appropriate, to explain the Group’s strategies, performance and major developments. However, any information that may be regarded as undisclosed material information about the Group will be safeguarded.

In addition, the Group has established a website at www.kpjhealth., which shareholders can access. The Group’s quarterly and annual results announcements and press releases are also posted in the Investor Relations page on the Group’s website immediately after announcements are made on the Bursa Malaysia’s website.

Other than the website, the Group continues to produce and enhance its Annual Report, Corporate Brochures and Fact Sheets to provide suffcient details to the shareholders and stakeholders. Other than that, the Group also makes regular announcements on Bursa Malaysia to provide stakeholders with important information which affects their decision making, thus enhancing the level of transparency.

As part of the Group’s annual activities the Group conducted meetings, teleconferencing and briefngs either upon request by the shareholders and investors or via events organized by corporate analysts in Malaysia and abroad i.e. Singapore, Hong Kong, France, United Kingdom and Scotland. In the year 2010, the following activities were conducted with the investors:

Types of Meeting No of meetings

Investors meetings 52 Conference Calls 8 Foreign road shows 6

Statement on

Corporate Governance

(Pursuant to Section 15.26 of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements)

Senior management personnel involved in Investor Relations activities are:

Datin Paduka Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir – Managing Director Alvin Lee Swee Hee – Chief Financial Offcer Amiruddin Abdul Satar – Chief Operating Offcer Norhaizam Mohammad

– Group Senior Finance Manager - Group Finance, Accounts & Investor Relation Services Maria Khong Poh Fong

– Manager - Investor Relation Services

Other than that, the Board believes that the Company’s Annual Report also serves as an important communication tool to the shareholders, investors and all stakeholders in general. As such, each year, the Company strives to produce a value-added and transparent reporting to its readers.


Financial Reporting

In presenting the annual financial statements and quarterly announcements to shareholders, the Board aims to present a balanced and understandable assessment of the Group’s position and prospects. This also applies to other price-sensitive public reports and reports to regulators. Timely release of announcements refects the Board’s commitment to provide transparent information on the Group’s performances and activities.

In preparation of the fnancial statements, the Directors have taken the necessary steps to ensure that the Group had complied with all applicable Financial Reporting Standards, provisions of the Companies Act 1965 and relevant provision of laws and regulations in Malaysia and the respective countries in which the subsidiaries operate, consistently and that the policies are supported by reasonable and prudent judgment and estimates.

The Audit Committee assists the Board in ensuring both annual fnancial statements and quarterly announcements are accurate and the preparation is consistent with the accounting policies adopted by the Group. The quarterly reports, prior to tabling to the Board for approval, will be reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee.

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