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30 August 2010

A Day With Orphans During Ramadhan

KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital continued with its practice to spend time with the less fortunate during the holy month of Ramadhan, this year with the orphans from Rumah Baitul Hidayah. A number of activities were held at the hospital premise including breaking fast, solat tarawikh and a nasyid presentation by the orphans. A donation was also made to help ease the fnancial burden of the orphanage.

15 September 2010

Visit to Sabah Cheshire Home

In conjunction with Hari Raya and Malaysia Day, Damai Specialist Hospital visited Sabah Cheshire Home to lend a helping hand to the needy.

30 - 31 October 2010 World Lung Day

Perak Lung Health Day 2010, which was jointly organised by Perak Chest Society, KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital and other hospitals at Ipoh Parade, attracted approximately 700 participants. KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital provided free basic screening and lung function test for the visitors.

08 - 12 November 2010 KEDAH FLOOD

Kedah Medical Centre (KMC), KFC Holdings, Ayamas and Pizzahut contributed rice, coffee, tea, cookies and beverages to the victims of the food that ravaged the state in November. KMC General Manager, Khairun Ahmad, joined the hospital staff to distribute the food supplies to the victims. KMC’s Consultants also provided free medical assistance to the food victims.

27 December 2010 First Baby Hatch in Ipoh

KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital launched the country’s frst baby hatch in a hospital, in collaboration with the Perak State Welfare Department. The hatch was launched by State Senior Executive Councillor, Datuk Hamidah Osman, in the company of Dato’ Dr Fadzli Cheah, Medical Director of KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital, and Ahmad Nasirruddin Harun, Chief Executive Offcer of KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital.

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