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1. KPJ Tawakkal Specialist Hospital opened its doors to the public in June 2010

2. KPJ Partner relationship program for New Consultants

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long term Succession Development Plan (SDP). This facilitates the development of an increasing pool of qualifed and experienced healthcare managers to support the Group’s rapid expansion. As at end-2010, about 800 managers with potential have been identifed for key positions within the Group.

The people-development efforts, however, do not stop there. KPJ holds frmly to the belief that to be a successful leader in the healthcare industry, our managers must be dynamic and knowledgeable, with the capability to adapt to the ever-changing medical needs and demands of society.

To this end, KPJ launched its Quantum Leadership Programme in February 2010, with the aim of building up and shaping the skills, knowledge, attitude and culture of our managers through Transformational Leadership (TL). TL inspires people and fres up positive change in the followers with the aim of creating shared progress and a commitment of cohesive goals and achievement. In 2010, 30 managers underwent the six stages of this Quantum Leadership programme.

Intrapreneurship & Small Business Units (SBU)

Efforts are made to cultivate intrapreneurs and managers of Small Business Units (SBUs) to innovatively harness and hone their capabilities and skills. Entrepreneurial-minded staff members are offered the opportunity to pursue their aspirations while providing support services to the KPJ Group.

To date, four intrapreneur companies have been set up since the inception of the scheme, namely, Teraju Farma Sdn Bhd, which is involved in hospital supplies, Fabricare Laundry Sdn Bhd, which provides industrial laundry services, IT services provider Healthcare IT Solutions Sdn Bhd and Skop Yakin (M) Sdn Bhd, a company with trading and printing activities. More have been identifed for further development.

Enhancing Workplace Sustainability

To enhance workplace sustainability, KPJ emphasises on the safety and welfare of our employees with initiatives undertaken to ensure a proper working environment and to promote good work ethics and practices.

Health and safety policies are embedded into our Group’s core business practices, particularly at our hospitals, and these practices are strictly enforced to ensure a safe and secure work environment without compromising on the quality of our medical care. The Group has in place Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committees in the hospitals and companies, in compliance with the OSH Act and Regulation 1996. The Committees ensure that policies encompass, among others, matters relating to refuse and waste disposal, infection control, management of infectious diseases, and accidents.

KPJ has also put in place disaster management plans, fire rescue and prevention plans, and other preventive measures and precautions to counter any untoward incident at our hospitals.

In tandem with our commitment to be a caring employer, KPJ also looks into the welfare of employees by providing them and their immediate family members with free medical benefts, organising sports and recreational activities, and operating crèches at the workplace to provide nursery care for their children.

To further encourage healthy lifestyles while minimising risks for major diseases, KPJ continues to carry out the Group-wide Body Mass Index (BMI) program for all staff members. Specifically designed for effective weight management, the programme has been implemented since 2009.

In anticipation of the poignant moments of bereavement among staff members’ immediate families, the Group has in place the Khairat Keluarga scheme, which provides a lump sum payment of RM50,000 - up from the initial amount of RM17,000 - to the bereaved staff and/or family.

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