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106 KPJ Healthcare Berhad

(Company No. 247079 M)

Annual Report 2010

Note Group Company 2010 2009 2010 2009 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000

Revenue 7 1,654,611 1,456,353 82,968 72,450 Cost of sales 8(a) (1,150,716) (1,037,264) 0 0

Gross proft 503,895 419,089 82,968 72,450 Administrative expenses 8(a) (365,500) (288,151) (22,304) (17,087) Other income 12,484 12,152 0 0 Other operating expenses 8(a) (6,860) (2,623) 0 0

Operating proft 144,019 140,467 60,664 55,363 Finance income 12 7,157 2,651 0 0 Finance costs 12 (13,597) (16,721) (14,905) (13,098) Finance costs – net (6,440) (14,070) (14,905) (13,098) Associates

- share of results 23,919 18,888 0 0 - reversal of impairment of interest in associates 6,460 0 0 0 30,379 18,888 0 0

Proft before zakat and tax 8 167,958 145,285 45,759 42,265 Zakat 13 (1,269) (1,395) (10) (10) Tax expense 14 (40,468) (29,154) (9,268) (9,088)

Proft for the year 126,221 114,736 36,481 33,167

Other comprehensive income:

Translation of foreign subsidiaries (1,060) 530 0 0 Revaluation surplus 9,107 16,677 0 0 Impairment of property, plant and equipment 0 (1,819) 0 0 Available-for-sale fnancial assets 172 0 0 0

Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 8,219 15,388 0 0

Total comprehensive income for the year 134,440 130,124 36,481 33,167

Proft for the year attributable to:

Equity holders of the Company 118,894 110,880 36,481 33,167 Minority interest 7,327 3,856 0 0

126,221 114,736 36,481 33,167

Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to:

Equity holders of the Company 123,660 122,352 36,481 33,167 Minority interest 10,780 7,772 0 0

134,440 130,124 36,481 33,167

Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company:

- basic (sen)* 16(a) 22.57 21.65 - diluted (sen)* 16(b) 20.31 21.65

* The comparative fgures were recomputed based on the enlarged number of ordinary shares in issue after share split and bonus issue exercise which was completed on 15 January 2010.

The notes on page 114 to 173 form an integral part of these fnancial statements.




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